

Hi @yoo1900, here's my post about a grandmother working hard to make ends meet. This grandmother works in the sun without giving up.

If we plant properly and take good care of whatever we plant then the result will be good


couple-smiling-at-eachother-in-car-swipe.jpgA very big congrats to the chosen...Really thanking you @yoo1900 for the wonderful things you've been doing.

I pray you see my post today talking about how marriage should be about talking and acting as couples. Marriage needs more than just being married, little thing as deep talk and commitment can always save a marriage. Below is my post

Congratulation to the wonderful winners.

Have you ever thought about what prayers could do in our life, even how effective the prayers done by someone else is to us...A mothers prayer is so so effective...see below my post how my moms prayer saved me.
