What is SUQA project – How to mine SUQA coin

in #suqa6 years ago

SUQA is a new digital currency that has a new X22i POW algo. X22i algo is not a copy or clone of any old one but it is completely ASIC, FPGA and Quantum Resistant.

SUQA project also have a newest feature that u can 5% apr interest from term deposits even if the wallet is offline.

SUQA coin is fast (533 Transactions per second) and almost No Transaction Fees. This makes it unique comparing with other projects.
SUQA Coin Technical Specifications

Coin name: SUQA
Ticker : SUQA
Algorithm : X22i
Coin Type: POW
Max. supply: 1,078,740,313+10%dev fee
Block Time: 2 minutes
Max Block Size: 16mb
Max tx/s: 533 tx/s
Difficulty Retarget Algo: DarkGravityV3
RPC port: 20971
P2P port: 20970
Ico: No
Pre-Mine: No
Masternode: No
Pre-Sale: No
Dev-Fee: 10%
Genesis: 26 September, 2018
How To Mine SUQA coin

To mine SUQA coin 1) you need to find a miner software based on the GPU you have. 2) Download wallet and get a SUQA wallet address. 3) And then select a good pool.

Suqa Coin Algo: X22i

– AMD:

ccminer x22i win64 binary release



Example for trex miner .bat code:
t-rex.exe -a x22i -o stratum+tcp://suqa-pool.beepool.org:9504 -u YourSUQAWallet.WorkerName -p c=SUQA -R 3

SUQA coin mining.jpg

SUQA coin hashrate, SUQA coin mining performance

– Nvidia GTX 1070 – 6.4MH/s (Gigabyte GTX 1070 OC )
– Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti – 7.5 Mh/s (Gigabyte GTX 1070Ti OC )
– Nvidia GTX 1080Ti – 11.5 Mh/s (MSI GTX 1080Ti)

– AMD RX580 – 3.2 Mh/s (Sapphire RX 580)
SUQA coin Mining Profitability

Mining SUQA coin you will get this: SUQA price is now ~$0.012 (180 satoshi)

– 120 SUQA / GTX 1080Ti daily
– 75 SUQA / GTX 1070 Ti daily
– 65 SUQA / 7x GTX 1070 daily

SUQA coin Mining Pools:


SUQA coin Difficulty: 8824.28235 @ block 22 179

SUQA coin block reward: 5000

SUQA coin Exchange Markets:
Suqa coin is now on 3 good exchanges.

  1. Escodex

  2. Stex

If you know new different coin pls write here and i will add it to the list. Thaks for support.

  1. QBTC

And Crypto-Bridge is on the way

SUQA Official Web Page: https://suqa.org/

ANN Page: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5038269.0

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/KHrlAUd3hwzgV6dS8qMu4A

By Saphire.


congratulations to join my friend