I was out for many hours and it is my new thing, surfline.com SMT, surf token! I am the prototype of the guy who gets paid to surf online
I will find ways to bring Japanese indoor surf simulators to inland areas and allow everyone that privalage one day but you'll have to get good and catch waves and earn surf tokens like I'm doing. it comes ti me naturally thanks to my parents and the past life memories of our family in Atlantis and lemuria days hahaha surfing in the ancient atlantean past coming full circle Haha
back to really go check out the surfline surf app and just realize this is my destiny to pay steemians to surf and represent steem and get all surfers AND military and navy seals on steem... its gonna get freaky but cool with laser tag surfing with night time laser guides overlayed onto the water to help guide your board also small electronic fins to stabilize board for people without perfect inner ear balance like I have hehe
This is pretty epic, I looked a the site and its very good. What a great thing you are able to do @ackza.