A Mother's Success Story: Beyond Happiness

I still remember the incomparable pain that I had at the time when I gave you life. The cracking of my whole body was so painful yet after seeing you crying loudly in my tummy, I promise to Him that I will give you the best of everything.
Then you went to kindergarten. Everybody was so excited to see you in uniform. I still cant forget your father's excitement during your kinder commencement exercises.
Your father insist that he had to walk with you in your kinder graduation day. Hehehe.
Then you reached elementary level. Then medals were just part of your studies. Your so smart and witty. Your a mathematician just like me and papa.
And now it's your elementary graduation. I'm so happy and emotional to see you in your group picture with your section. Your so cute and happy baby in all your pictures. I love seeing you being with your friends and classmates.
Thank you for being one of the best of my life ate Hannah. Your always be our precious baby. Thank you for always making us proud.

Thank you for making me an extraordinary mother. Kodus and cheers to you my loves. We always love you.