Well, almost. I love Photoshop and its possibilities, but some stories I want to tell don´t need a lot of manipulation.

The Thief - 2008
Concentrating on shaping and photographing the scene, these pictures are digitally only improved with some contrast/color correction and a texture for an allover finished look.
I hope you can hear their stories, even if they´re kind of sad...

The hardest decision - 2010
Phantom - 2006
Hässlich - 2006
They come - 2006
Have a good night!
These pieces of art (damn! impressive!) instantly reminded me Tool videos. And all of these were totally mindblowing...
thanks for your kind words. and thanks to you I´m just listening to SOBER again after a long time...
Had the same impression! Tool and their amazing videos. Great art!
You are telling a story here - it may not be pleasant.. but it is compelling. I can't take my eyes away. This is some primal, raw stuff, the stuff of fears and insecurities and loneliness and heartache. I love it!
Thank you so much. I'm glad that you totally go along with my intention - showing raw emotions without any deflection
Your work is haunting, Would love to see it animated.
Thank you so much. Me too, if I had the time...
cool concept! Reminds me of that one Tool music video <3
Thank you :) I know these videos too..
Wow! that's what I call nice art! congratulations for your reward! :)
Thank you! I actually don't know what happened to receive this reward, but it's nice ;)
Its the Curie group... i just got accepted as a curator for them... we search for posts from users that have been posting original and good material without so much reward and support them... :congrats! :)
keep the good work coming!
This is amazing.