I would say most of the people I know are good people, but sometimes I think I have a limited understanding. I have crippling social anxiety, and unfortunately that means I am sometimes so worried about my own behaviour that I find it difficult to analyse the behaviour of others. I wonder how much of people trying to be good is just social conditioning, because we are herd creatures and most of us will do anything to not be excluded from the herd.
I also think we are too quick to call people "bad" when there is a personality clash or we just don't get along with them. A lot of times it's easy to just demonise people because you don't get along with them, because understanding their motivations is a more difficult thing to do. Because we are a naturally gregarious species though I think we naturally tend to be empathetic and to want to be kind to others of our species. I have to say I meet few people I think are genuinely cruel or nasty and it's generally very jarring when you do meet those people. I have met a couple of people that, looking back I think were narcissists and instantly wanted to put themselves in a position of authority over you, but I could honestly say I think they are few and far between.
And as someone who does a lot of self reflection as part of a spiritual practice, I think a lot of people would do better to self reflect about their behaviour and how it impacts others. Not because I think everyone should be spiritual, but I think we could all stand to be better towards each other, more understanding and that would quickly create a better world. Have a great day, looks lovely where you are!