Why Skills Are Better Than gear!

in #survival8 years ago (edited)

For those of you that are into the whole bug-out bag or wilderness survival craze. It seems most are into different individual pieces of gear. Maybe, you are into carrying that special knife or machete? Do carry fire starting supplies? Have you a bug-out bag, or multiple bags chuck full of survival gear?
So you have all that stuff.... Do you actually know how to use any of that gear with proficiently? Do you ever go out and make sure that you actually know how to use that farrow rod to start a fire? Do you ever practice using your gear to make sure you can successfully use that stuff when it counts? I hope sure hope so!
I went out to a small wooded area behind my apartment complex last year. I intended to make a small fire using a couple of primitive fire techniques. Eventually I even pulled out matches. Later, I pulled out a wind proof lighter. Still, I could not get a flame to take to my tinder.
Just because you have gear does not mean you will automatically be able to start a fire. Even with a lighter, and lighter fluid I was unsuccessful! Whether it was moisture in the air from all the rain or something else. I definitely needed more experience and practice. I had watched tons of you tube videos with guys making fire with primitive means. I'm here to tell you, it is harder than it looks. Practice all these techniques for making fire before it is a life or death situation.
Even learning roping making techniques like the "reverse wrap method". I suggest practicing at home first, before you find out that you are not able to do it when you have to.
Learn and practice making different kinds of shelters in the woods in your spare time. Learn how to forage for wild edibles by researching them. Then go out and see if you can find them. Practice using a compass, or even learning other more primitive means of land navigation techniques.
Practice tying several kinds of knots. Learn several kinds of primitive fire techniques and practice them as much as you can.
The thing about that knife or machete is that they could break or rendered unusable or just lost in the woods. Knowledge and skills as long as you practice and use it never will be lost. Things wear out, skills only get better with more use.
It is great to be prepared. Having those bags packed chuck full of useful items is great. But you'll need to test yourself and get that reality check. Do you actually know how to truly survive? Survival is all about being able to improvise. It is all about being able to find unconventional uses for anything and everything you have at your fingertips.
Survival is not some magical item you bought in the camping section at your favorite sporting goods store. It is as much of an attitude and a perseverance for staying alive. Next, equally as important as an optimistic outlook. You will also need to back that up with learning proven survival techniques to increase your chances.
Learning how to improvise all kinds of tools, gear, clothing, and whatever you find yourself needing to stay alive is essential!
So get out there! Learn and practice all kinds of true survival skills. So your not freaking out when you realize you have no idea how to use any of the gear or equipment you packed in that bug-out bag!