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RE: Survival Saturday #40: Politics and Politicians

in #survival5 years ago

good and evil ... i don't think there's such a thing as 'good' people ... there's those who bother and those who don't

there are ofcourse those who seem to simply bother everyone and on top of that enjoy it ... rarely found as loners though, more in packs like
like hyena's maybe ... concept of humour versus classic definition of intelligence might also lean more towards finding pleasure in others misery the lower you get on that scale

but its very hard to say anything at all that doesn't both or either puts you in a judging position or else you get to be the one 'who is above' (the others) lol

natural for natural, good is simply a practical thing that's evolved over time and philosophers have given it ample thought once civilization allowed people to have time to think (which usually came with the ownership of slaves (way before america) which was not considered bad so good and bad aren't only dependent on geo-location (by culture) but also by timeframe

... :) if i didnt have a bleeding headache and total brainfog i'd try to elaborate but i think i got it there

you take stuff like milgram's or stanford's experiments and it shows right away just how far good goes over authority or more like how authority removes the consequence and thus the need for 'good'

or however you wanna phrase it ... people cooperate mostly because it's practical , true altruism is very rare, people in packs behave like carrion feeders often while when separated they might help your grandma cross the street or even flinch when someone stares at them

if you like stuff like that then maybe American Nihilist Underground Society (ANUS), Central Command or center for stateless society ... if anything they prove not all americans are either pimps, crackheads or jarheads if they're not in politics lol ... c4ss has local branches too i think (probably not here in belgium - its too complicated and very unpolice-state ... although i sometimes wonder where all those cops per square metre are in some places ...)

in short ... good only exist in human mind and is evolved as a practical concept that has been filosofized about. When people get enough power the skin fades away pretty fast, if they're left un-checked it seems to have almost certainty of turning them into little Sauron of Mordor every time ...

so in most cases 'community' is the protection against those who would, but that got superceded by paper law, which doesnt hold to community, but to geopolitical border as well as (again) culture.

If it were actually born and genetic good and bad would be the same across humanity and not like

  • in this country you get picked up for walking drunk
  • in that county they leave you if you're sleeping in a ditch drunk
  • in this country you have nude beaches
  • in that country women get beaten half to death for showing an ankle

or : in Japan : places where the yakuza is strongest in presence are often rated the most safe in a country that's already safe .... while the real gangsters deal in real crime, small scum wont come on their turf to make ruckus and harass old ladies ... so what is good or bad there


wow , sorry got carried away again ... you know ... people are just beasts with an iSkin while animals kill to eat


i don't think there's such a thing as 'good' people

But you don't live alone.
Consensus defines good and bad.
Among pirates torturing others is admired.
Larger groups tend to eradicate pirates.
Neither all good, nor all bad.
You gotta decide for you.

I don't really do groups, too often their conformance tendencies leave me out.
Then authoritarians elect themselves to deal with me, and the hell breaks loose.
Its playing out now, on my front page.