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RE: Gold and Silver In SHTF? - S.B.'s Ramblings

in #survival6 years ago

I see what you mean and from someone who has studied this stuff I am always enlightened and come away with a clearer picture. that's what you guys need, a bunker! that sounds horrible to me, I mean good to store stuff in but not to live in!


I think bunkers are fancy graves personally. How are people going to get out after stuff falls over the door? Blocks the air vents? I see so many bunker door that open outward like this......
cropped bunker door google images.png
(google images)

Looks like a death trap to me. I could but a heavy boulder on the door, plug the air holes and wait them out. Or just plug the air holes/vents and shoot them as they come out. Death trap.

wow you're mean. hahaha! no i know what you're sayin, it's what people would probably do, you could catch stuff on fire, put it in the air vents and smoke them out.

Now ya got it! I am having an influence on you, LOL!! Yup, good plan! No bunker for me unless it had multiple exits - far apart.

yeah that would turn into a huge project because of the tunnels you'd have to dig and support structure going in them but yeah me too. because I'd want the hidden exits a LONG way from the entrance! we'd end up spending millions on a stupid bunker!

No more money for gold and silver! ha ha