Top 5 Diseases During SHTF

in #survival8 years ago (edited)

Which ones do we prepare for? How likely are they? What kind of resources will help? This is some serious stuff.

The Patriot Nurse is top notch. I have watched her videos for several years and secured resources she has recommended to be ready for what's coming.

Video source: The Patriot Nurse YouTube Channel


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Very interesting. These are things we don't think about on an everyday basis, but should definitely be prepared for. With these idiot, runaway central bankers, Venezuela could definitely happen here. It doesn't matter if your 10 years or 1 week too early, you're prepared, but if you're 1 second too late, you're screwed.

I agree wholeheartedly with you sir. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best!

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You missed a step. you need to resteem the posts is all : o)

The best preppers will be those who balance their supplies according to need, covers all the bases, and gains knowledge to supplement and fill supply gaps.That's right @orionschariot! 1 second late and you're screwed. I think medical supplies are so important to have, yet people focus on the wrong stuff...bugout bags, latest survival gadgets, and food and water. Don't get me wrong, that stuff is important too, but if you get injured and don't have the resources to deal with it, then that is a problem that can't just be solved by shooting a deer or using a different tool.

It's so crazy how possible all of this really is man! With the lack of vaccines in the end mankind will be really forked! Lol. Great post! I have heard of the Patriot Nurse before. She seems to really know her stuff!

She made me a believer several years ago especially when she started recording without wearing sunglasses indoors. Lol I think she was trying to maintain some level of privacy though.

She seems like good stuff man! And I accidentally started wearing sunglasses in all of my videos and then one day I realized that I just showed you guys my whole face for the first time! Lol.

Haha nice bro. Your videos rock.

Thanks alot brother! Some day they'll be way better when I start racking up all that Steem. Lol. Thank you so much though man!

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