How Survival Skills Enrich Lives – S.B.’s Ramblings

in #survival6 years ago

Are survival skills valuable only to the military and doomsday preppers? I most definitely think not! Just like skills translate from one employment position to another, survival skills translate into one’s every day life. Survival is problem solving. There’s mental and emotional, even spiritual, aspects to gaining survival skills. Whether it be desert, mountain, jungle, or whatever type of focus those skills have, the underlying disciplines gained is the same. These are creative problem solving, self-reliance, emotional control, mental focus, and patience just to name a few.

Survival Skills.JPG
(Picture taken by Squirrel Bait)

Learning to depend on yourself gives you the inner strength and determination to forge your own path. It’s very difficult to have a victim mentality knowing you’re a capable self-sufficient individual. Learning that you can trust yourself eliminates a great deal of anxiety. I think there are people who suffer from extreme anxiety because they feel helpless and dependent on others. It’s like being a dependent child forever. Remember being a small child and getting separated from your parent? Terrifying! Life throws issues and problems at us all the time. Keeping a cool head and seeking a solution reduces greatly the panicked feeling of “Oh No! What are we going to do? We’re so screwed!”. I just find stress in general is lower for people with survival skills. Reduced helplessness equals reduced fear equals better focus. This makes you more effective in handling life’s problems and issues. Because of this, you will find others seeking your counsel.

Learning to be creative and use what you have to meet your needs, rather than wait to be told what to do, increases intelligence. Survival involves using analytical skills, running mental scenarios, planning ahead, and re-evaluating. Survival is actually very mental. Constant risk versus benefit analysis, for example. You are training your brain.

Having survival skills, I think, makes you naturally want to be more involved in the well being of others. Perhaps it’s the teamwork you learn and the recognition of its importance. Leadership and the courage to stand up for yourself and others seems to come naturally in the process. A confident, focused strong individual is an asset to society. If there is a local emergency, your neighbors will be turning to you for guidance and support.

Perhaps from the training of just doing what you need to do because, well, it just needs to get done, invokes a stronger work ethic. No one is coming by to “do it for you” in survival. Laziness just isn’t an option. This will show in your behavior at work as a rise to the occasion type of person. You will find you have a reputation of being reliable and a team player with your employer and coworkers. This, of course, may lead to a quicker rise in the ranks than otherwise.

Teaching skills of any kind is a great way to bond with your children. Trust me, these are hours your kids will never forget and reflect on forever. I think children feel more secure when they know they have a capable in control authority figure to protect and guide them. This helps your children handle the stressors in their lives as they grow into capable, self-reliant, independent thinking adults.

As you can see, survival skills benefit you even when life is routine. They become part of you. Helping you and others all along the way.

Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to leave comments on how having survival skills benefit you in your life.


uh...I don't have any survival skills. I have a Swiss Army knife does that count? lol! howdy there @squirrelbait! this is a great post packed with so much useful information.
I never thought about the benefits of training kids too, that is very important I think now that I read this post.
this would jar some people once they realize it .."creative problem solving, self-reliance, emotional control, mental focus, and patience just to name a few."
man, this survival stuff is work!
great information, great teaching, great post!

Hey thanks my friend! I'm glad you find it valuable. I think people underestimate the gain. It's so much more than just being prepared. You might even end up a little ........squirrely.

hahaha! well at least other people might think you are!

I've spent several years learning and practicing survival skills. I've never thought about the benefits that you bring up, but you are absolutely right. This was a great article. Thanks for sharing