Living 10 Days Without Food or Water - Survival

in #survival7 years ago (edited)

America had a scare some years back, but the outcome was not what was expected in planning for the emergency. I am an emergency response member of a federal organization. One of the clues we were instructed to watch was the World Health Organization and announcements they made internationally. Specifically, should a pandemic disease be elevated from the lowest level of a numerical rank of 1 up to the ranking level of 5, we unofficially knew the poop was really going to hit the fan. Some time back, many of you my recall how the Avian Flu was moved up in ranking, and how America was expected to react, should it ever be given a level 5 standing.

The idea was simple. Should the WHO tell us all that the disease was so virulent that it would cause global sicknesses and deaths, we then had a time stamp of 48 to 72 hours before the President of the United States would declare a national quarantine in which all non-essential personnel would be off the streets and to remain home for 10 days. The idea was to let the disease pass, and not have as many citizens exposed to an illness which could debilitate or kill those most affected. It was a good plan, but it didn't work.

When it was figured initially, some amount of thousands of citizens would die with the pandemic hitting the country. During the prep time to go out and get some food, water, emergency supplies and such, a funny thing happened in Washington. Then President Obama was given some additional counsel. Although many might perish because of the sickness if not in a state of national quarantine, it was grimly realized that few in America actually had 10 days of food or supplies at their residences to take care of themselves should the quarantine be ordered. Very sad report that so few of us have made any preparations for such a simply task. Riots and looting, stealing and fighting and other acts of civil disobedience were expected because few would be ready to "hunker down" for a while alone.

This is the story that was never told. Obama chose wisely to let the disease pass without calling the national quarantine. Many did die, but many more would have caused such a ruckus to get for themselves by storming grocery stores and causing such social disorder that it was better calculated to just let nature take its course. Sadly, there will be another event that will come up. President Trump may be forced to make the same decision, but the bottom line is that few are ready should that day come. Ebola is not entirely "gone." Many other strains of influenza and other biological weapons await our country on the horizon. Perhaps the preppers who are awaiting a Zombie Apocalypse may not be off the mark at all. The economy could take a dump next week due to our over spending, foreign trade and entitlements. Having gold, silver, and crypto currencies may be the only thing surviving to rebuild the nation after a collapse, but having some food and water on hand may be the best plan to get to the other side of any longer term disaster. Find other sites to gain some insights on survival, but sooner or later you might have to fend for yourself more than you are ready for now. I am just saying the government can not do everything for you.

My name is Watching. That is what I am doing, and I hope you are, too. It is all in the Bible. Trust God now and be prepared for the return of Jesus Christ. As it is written, "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.” Matthew 25:1-13