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RE: In Depth @WWAMD: The "WhatWouldAMarineDo? Prepper Blog". Survival, Survival, Survival.

in #survival8 years ago (edited)

I did not intend to demean your comment in any way if thats how I came off. Often times even the most experienced person and the most "prepared" think they will be saved from any calamity, but no one will ever truly know what is coming. So you can't really prepare for everything. But you can learn skills and like you said, improve your mindset. Your mindset is without a doubt the most important thing. Without a prepared mind your hands are useless. Without the knowledge your mind will panic. But even the most experienced person can be ambushed as they sleep. I definitely dont claim to know everything but I have received some great training and think it is useful and it also gives you a mental edge that I think is useful everyday, despite whether there is a life threatening situation or not. Sometimes simply knowing your options is a huge advantage. Without an alternative where do you go? Where do you run? How do you survive? The mental edge IS the edge. Train your body but focus your mind. That will be the most valuable thing should you ever find yourself in a life or death dilemma. Having family to protect will increase your chances of survival. Nothing will make you persist like knowing someone else is relying on you. It is both a weak point and a strength. But I can tell from your comment you are open to understanding your weaknesses and that is key. More difficult and important than the will to survive is the will to prepare to survive. That takes effort while nothing is threatening you, luring you into a false sense of security as the world around you continues to spin. Thanks for the comment and I am trying to finish up my first follow up post today so stay tuned haha. I hope to start with the basics and work my way up. "The Rule of Threes" and the "Ten Things You Need to Survive in the Wild". Take care and talk to you soon.