Doighouse Series - Shower for the Earthship Build

With so many people scheduled to come and help with the construction of the Earthship, as part of the Doighouse Build, we will need a proper shower. Scratch that! Even if none of the interested helpers show up, just being out here on the land, doing preliminary preparation work, I want to have a decent shower at the end of the day. So no matter what, some shower facility is called for. And just because it is supposed to be a temporary installation, doesn’t mean it can’t be well made. So let me introduce the Doig-shower Deluxe: 

No Need for a Shower Curtain 

I believe most people will agree, the worst part of showers in general is the curtain. It doesn’t do a great job at containing the water to the shower basin, even in indoor settings. In a windy outdoor one, however, it would be virtually useless at maintaining the desired privacy. Not to mention the elephant in the shower-room: the mold growing almost instantly between its folds!!! So what’s the most efficient and elegant solution? That’s right: the spiral wall!


By simply walking behind a planked wall, shaped like a spiral, one doesn’t need to worry about the sudden exposure a gust of wind can cause. Depending on how it’s built, one may even look over the planks comfortably, while having all the privacy a shower requires. Otherwise, if the planks are high enough, a pair of feet will easily show whether the facility is occupied. In our design both of these factors have been kept on the conservative side, creating a well shielded, yet spacious shower room. The material we used were twelve metal fence-posts, a coil of black PVC tubing, and a bunch of cut-offs from the saw mill. 

Location, Location

The most perfect place for the shower, it has been decided, would be just behind the stack of logs, in the middle of the garden. Since the ground is very porous sand, a simple rock-pit will take the water deep enough. The white IBC (International Beverage Container) provides a cubic meter or 1000 liters (264 gallons) of water before it has to be refilled. On top of the logs, a dark barrel of 200 liters (53 gallons) will be heated in the sun, gravity-feeding into the shower head. A simple hand-pump is going to transfer the water from the IBC to the barrel when the water level is too low.

This amazing plan had to be put in place by first sawing off a generous piece of the log on top of the stack, and rolling it over to make space for the black tank. Installing a garden-hose faucet into its lower edge got us to connect it to the shower head. But how do we know when the barrel is empty? We needed a gauge: Using a straight branch from the local bush called Ocean Spray (Holodiscus discolor), a.k.a. Ironwood by the local natives, who used it to make arrows, we tied it to a board on top of an empty plastic container. This would stick out through a hole in the lid, and thus indicate the water level.

Theory and Practice

Coming up with such an ingenious design didn’t take long. Putting it in practice, we estimated would require a day (therefor two days, just to give it a generous buffer). The fact is, it’s been over a week since we started, and still there are pieces to be hooked up, such as the hand-pump, which is simply waiting for a proper fitting. Our saving grace is a number of other, more important and immediately urgent jobs. On the other hand, I’ve taken showers here a bunch of times already, and each evening the water is a bit less cool! Like many other projects, this shower may also be a work in progress. Already there are talks of building a thermo-syphon based solar panel to heat the water in the barrel more efficiently. And certainly, all these side-projects are among the many things we are likely to engage in before, during, or even after the Earthship build. For now, however, we have a functional shower, offering us comfortable refreshment after a day’s work. 

If you are interested in this project, please visit the other posts I have published in my Doighouse Series:

1. Earthship and Permaculture - Introducing the Doighouse Series

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I love the detail you have put into this post. I've been looking for inspiring ideas for an outdoor shower. Do you think the barrel would heat up well enough in a colder climate or should we consider using a coiled copper pipe system as extra?

Oh, that is an excellent question! I've been using the shower over the last couple of weeks, and each afternoon it's a little bit better. Still, the temperature is far from being warm. Also, right now it's cloudy and rainy, so it's not even warming up. And yes, in fact, we've been talking about building a solar panel for it ( black copper tubes under glass in an insulated box). We might get around to it, possibly as a side project along the earthship build.
Oh, and I'm so happy you liked the details of my post. What makes me appreciate this even more are the incredible circumstances I wrote and published it under. Yeah, my WiFi situation is really not the best here. So thanx!

Weekly Curation #5. Thank you for sharing the privacy spiral shower design for the earth home - very nice. I thought of doing a root cellar enterance like that :)This post has been featured in the @offgrid-online

Awesome! I'm honored to be part of your curation magazine! And the spiral design is really inspiring, isn't it? You can apply it to showers, root-cellars, or private areas of any sort. :-)

Oooh great job! it´s very very nice!!! :O

That spiral wall design is very neat.

Alas a bit cold for an outdoor shower here in Wales though...

Host of the My Life in 8 Songs and The Alternative Lifestyle Show radio shows on MSP Waves.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Hahaha, Vancouver Island is just as temperate coastal in its climate. Though Summer is coming!

Your post was featured in my Preppers' Curation Day- Weekly Edition 13 today!

That's a lovely shower!!! Ours is exposed but we only use it in the summer as we have an indoor one too. There's nothing better than a shower after a hard day's graft.

I went and looked at your earthships. How beautiful and inspiring!!!! You must really enjoy it.

Thanks! It's all coming together, piece by piece. The earthships, by the way, are not "mine" in the sense that I don't own them. I've only participated in a couple of builds, but neither of them a full complete one. This year's project is where I hope to at least get to putting the roof on. Let's keep our fingers crossed for that!

I will keep reading your updates! An earthship was always on our to build list but we keep building vehicles instead lol

Thanks! It's all coming together, piece by piece. The earthships, by the way, are not "mine" in the sense that I don't own them. I've only participated in a couple of builds, but neither of them a full complete one. This year's project is where I hope to at least get to putting the roof on. Let's keep our fingers crossed for that!

Neat design I have to say. Looks like a efficient shower thats all you need really great work 💯🐒

I know, I love how it's experimental and temporary on one hand, yet it's luxurious enough to make it truly amazing. Just the way I like to build!

Keep it up! When I get my land i'll have some goo ideas haha 💯🐒

fantastic design! thanks for keeping us up to speed :) looks great.

Oh, it's going to look so much better once it's done... like so many things. Thanks for stopping by!

I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.

Congratulations @stortebeker you have been upvoted by the @ecoTrain minnow support project! I have sent $0.4 SBD to upvote this post.

It sure does! Thank you very much!

nice one! dutch style! ;-) i once made this very thing for my outdoor bath tub.. many years ago.. its SUCH a smart way to do things..

steem on brother!

Haha, the idea was not mine, but I do appreciate it. Thanks!

I love outdoor showers. I built a smaller version for our little cottage I rent out. I made it with a door and a bench (which we ladies appreciate for sitting and doing the legs) and clad it all in cedar as well as the floor is a raised cedar deck angled out so the water runs between and out towards a flower bed. It's wonderful to shower outdoors. I hooked ours up to the house water supply though so hot water and water pressure was easier then what you are attempting but yours looks amazing.
I want to redo our in house bathroom to have a shower room and I want to use wood for that outdoor shower feel, I like it so much!
Good luck! And I found you thanks to @helpie

Oh yes, cedar is such a nice wood, especially where water is involved. There's actually quite a bit of it on the property. In fact, some of those cut-offs we used for the wall could easily be it. With time of course this shower could also develop into more. For now it fullfils the basic needs. Thanks for the comment.

We loved your great content so much we wanted to showcase it in our weekly curation report where you will be paid from the post payout. Thank you!

You can find the post here;

Thank you, I'm so happy and honored! I'll try to have similar posts published soon.

I love Earthships, each one is unique and a marvel of ingenuity and perma-culture. The spiral wall is particularly impressive. So simple that you go: why didn’t I think of this before which is the sign of a great idea. Optimism never got anyone anywhere lol. Takes time ;P

Oh, you need to stay optimistic! If you at the part I wrote about the building permit... But I'm so optimistic, I won't even go into more detail about it.

What time is it when there's an elephant in the shower?

Yo, this shower is awesome man!!! We had seen something like it made of bamboo in Nicaragua and planned on building something here with the spiral idea!

Great job, very inspiring...I kind of had forgotten about that!

Thanks for sharing, re-steemed this one for sure!

Awesome, thanks!

Yep, you're welcome

fantastic design! thanks for keeping us up to speed :) looks great.

If you're interested in coming to visit or better volunteer for a while, please contact [email protected] and visit Looking forward to getting to know you!

compost heat!

or if they have any spare wood around:

Thanks for the vid, man! Sorry I can't watch it . I'm internetting at the local Chinese place, trying to do as much on-line stuff in as little time as possible! But I appreciate the info. Btw, Susan told me you're coming. Looking so forward to meeting you! :-)