1 Swarm City is a decentralized commerce platform. You need to have two things in place for commerce to happen.
2 The ability to communicate
3 And the ability to transact.
4 In the physical world commerce is transparent
5 Say you are in a store
6 You search for and see an item you want to buy.
7You can touch it, pick it up and verify its quality and integrity.
8When you are ready to purchase it, you bring it up to the proprietor. You pay in cash so they can physically take your payment.
9 The entire transaction is out in the open where both parties can see it.
10 But we live in an internet work where commerce happens virtually between parties who may live in the same city or across the ocean.
11Often times transactions are no longer in person so in order to create safe places for people to transact, commerce platforms were born.
12Retail platforms like Amazon or service platforms like Uber built monolithic infrastructures to keep us safe while we communicate value.
13 But security has a cost.
14Centralized institutions like those solve problems by creating layers of admission that end up being payed for by fees charged to the people transacting.
15 Some platforms charge upwards to 25% per transaction to pay for that administration.
16 And that ends up coming out the pockets of the people who are creating value in the first place.
17 For without buyers and sellers or service seekers and providers there would be no expression of value at all.
18And that's where swarm City comes in.
19Swarm city uses block chain technology and ETH smart contracts to solve the security and transparency issue in a decentralized way. Without need 3rd parties or layers of costly administration.
20 It's a peer to peer platform powers by the swarm city token.
21 Swarm city allows communities to keep more of the value.
22 The less value extracts to cover administration the more value can stay in the community who creates it.
23 Swarm city is being introduced to the world in three stages. Terminal
24 Boardwalk
25 Store Front.
26 The terminal is where new user enter the city and create a profile and wallet.Terminal gives users the ability to transact.
27 Then boardwalk introduces the way users communicate in swarm city by hashtags. Hashtags are the context we transact in.
28 For instance driver and rider might use #needaride to find each other in a Rideshare context
29 Or#contracter to connect electricians with homeowners with electrical problems.
30 A hashtag can be any type of commerce that you can imagine.
31 The last edition is storefronts which are graphic user interfaces or GUI that make transacting over a hashtag even more specific and user friendly.
32 Once the three stages are complete,you'll have all the tools needed to help build our thriving city.
33 Swarm city empowering decentralized commerce by giving the world the ability to communicate and transact without 3rd parties in between.
Join me in Swarm Agora. You'll love it as much as I do.
Smooth platform, ever growing, super excited
Platform looks nice!