
Very close at the top between two clear leaders. Fair fucking play sir, cheers!

Haha, I just told Faith about my near-victory...I got the usual eye roll. But a smile too.

I wonder how she would compare? :)

With swearing? She swears pretty good actually, but never in front of other people, just me. Same as me really, I never swear at work or when I meet new people and stuff...You know, there's a time and place. I'm good at it though. I am a well-mannered chap. Cultured. Lol.

It's good to know the time and the place, I have been known to slip :)

My boss is shocking though, worse than the whole team put together!

Yeah, we have to be careful at work, you know someone complains and all of a sudden trouble. Also, I work with l clients so, no swearing there of course. 😉