Following the incident above, it seemed like a good idea to have an escrow for such cases so we can get some of the things done quicker. I propose to have a multisig address for the escrow and fill it with 200K SWIFT in the first super block. I also propose that any spending from the escrow should be discussed with the active community on discord first. TroyDash, SW911, Ignacio and myself have stepped up to take responsibility of the escrow for now with 2 signatures required so I created the following address:
Multisignature address:
Redeem Script:
2 0237028ed742bc20415c77e3d0d9379decb3e67717bd768c8325998cee10280c50 036744858e233dd00d2cb1b67c6deec7bfbc8667b4e5599e824b084a1d6066ac95 02352645b889af7fb3ff1bdd6e4169d2eac81fbd0efb3c579ff009b17a3386f6bb 02f0b6d28f7f623d37a0816d8c239ad1c71065be0186173f8f468e0f8f3ca8b2d4 4 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
TroyDash and myself have also chipped in 20K from ourselves to fund the listing on nodestop in advance and we'll reimburse ourselves from the escrow after this proposal passes(hopefully). If there are no objections, I will submit a proposal for the escrow and ask for a 200K payment to fill it up for now and see how we go. If you have any suggestions or feedback about this, leave a comment below and make sure you join the discussion on Discord. And don't forget to vote on all the proposals!
After trying to create the proposal I noticed multisigs are not currently supported since there might be an issue with coinbase and multisigs according to THIS LINE. I checked the latest code on PIVX and they are also on the same page. I think we can revisit the escrow idea later once we fix this issue. In the meantime, I chose a normal address for the 20K SWIFT required for listing on nodestop.com + proposal and budget fees.
Why we need 200k for the escrow not less or much ? and did we will continue giving 200k to this escrow each time after spending ?
Posted using Partiko Android
I think 200k is low, but we can start with something, and no, once the amount is approved and spent, another proposal has to be submitted for a new escrow. The reason we are asking to have a small budget it to have it handy and not wait for one month, having a plan for activities will help to know how much we need in the 30 days period and be prepared beforehand, after all community will decide on every step.
200K just to test it out. And no I was only going to ask for 1 month. Maximum months you can ask for is 3 months by the way and even then it can be voted down for the second month if people change their mind.
Okay but i dont like in some decentralize community when they begin to vote for a project and it bring succes and they decide to non vote in future to this same project. Like ppl in Dash do for kuva.
Posted using Partiko Android