Very comfortable to skip the documentaries which I provided, and to call ME liar, when you provide nothing to support your claims.
Provide documentaries, dear, not articles with no facts, just human perception and claims with no proofs.
In my opinion, you are idiot. You believe you can play with people's feelings when gypsies keep doing their nasty anti-human crimes worldwide.
So you alone are right, and the world is not right, haha! were is your GP, to bring you back in your sleeves in the quiet room?
And my evidence skipped silently., ignored and a blog provided where you can delete ME? but you don't dare to raise your evidence HERE, IN INDEPENDANT AND NOT EDITED MEDIA, where you cannot delete me and edit me?
Perfect example of the gypsy nastiness. Gypsies don't like playing fair. You are gypsy, aren't you, gypsy? where are your proofs, gypsy, for your gypsy claims?
Typical for gypsies, lying. Keep lying, gypsy. Gypsies lies are famous worldwide. Gypsies dislike providing proofs but prefer lying and crying how everybody else is guilty and owes them everything. Demands, demands, and victim card, and NO PROOFS FOR THEIR CLAIMS.
Very comfortable to skip the documentaries which I provided, and to call ME liar, when you provide nothing to support your claims.
Provide documentaries, dear, not articles with no facts, just human perception and claims with no proofs.
In my opinion, you are idiot. You believe you can play with people's feelings when gypsies keep doing their nasty anti-human crimes worldwide.
So you alone are right, and the world is not right, haha! were is your GP, to bring you back in your sleeves in the quiet room?
And my evidence skipped silently., ignored and a blog provided where you can delete ME? but you don't dare to raise your evidence HERE, IN INDEPENDANT AND NOT EDITED MEDIA, where you cannot delete me and edit me?
Perfect example of the gypsy nastiness. Gypsies don't like playing fair. You are gypsy, aren't you, gypsy? where are your proofs, gypsy, for your gypsy claims?
Typical for gypsies, lying. Keep lying, gypsy. Gypsies lies are famous worldwide. Gypsies dislike providing proofs but prefer lying and crying how everybody else is guilty and owes them everything. Demands, demands, and victim card, and NO PROOFS FOR THEIR CLAIMS.