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RE: 2 Problems Plaguing Steemit That Synereo Could Potentially Solve

in #synereo9 years ago (edited)

So grow the collective expected account values using creative development and marketing?

The amount of users on Steem has nothing to do with the value of each user on Steem. There is something more going on.


The pot of steem is fixed in a 24 hour period. And in dollar terms the amount distributed in any 24 hour period depends on the price of steem.

At present about $200,000 worth of steem is being distributed to 70,000 users. Of course not all of them post, I think Ned said 21,000 posts are being produced per 24 hours. If it was distributed equally, each post would get about $9.50. Of course the distribution is not even, it is done with the Pareto principle.

A month ago, when the price of steem was four times what it is now, you had $800,000 worth of steem distributed in a 24 hour period amongst a lot fewer users. I think it was 30,000 users at the time.

It is simply arithmetic - if you are distributing a fixed pot amongst a lot of people, then everyone must get less. If you are distributing a shrinking pot amongst even more people, everyone must get even less still.

Stellabelle was moaning that she wasn't getting paid the way she was when steem's price was four times what it is now and it's users were half. She's effectively arguing she should earn the same as she was and everyone else should sink to fractions of a penny to pay for it - in other words she wants a higher % of a shrinking pot to maintain her dollar amount and by definition she wants every one else to take home zeros to pay for it. That's a dodgy attitude to take particularly as she's couching it in terms speaking for the majority, LOL.

If you want individual posts to earn as much as they were and an expanding user base, then the price of steem must rise proportionately to pay for it all.