
I am not assuming this. This is another type of investment. Whales, like everyone else have a limited voting power per day. They have made these auto votes to reward creators of good content and I have seen people have whale bots removed. Also if you look at @smooth or @berniesanders (both of who have voted for me and I am not on their bot list if they have one) you could see that they spend time engaging with others. Some whales have a bot and then at the end of the day read over the content. It's simply a different type of investment.

While I would hope that my content gets read, I would be happy to have created content that is deemed good enough to be put on the bot list. Check @sirwinchester. He didn't start with any bots on him and he made a big splash. I'm happy making the content I wish to and getting rewarded. I don't cater to any one audience and if that makes it so I am not on an auto bot list so be it.

I love the community more than the money here.

Yeah i'm a huge fan of smooth and bernie, they both engage and communicate, plus I'm pretty sure smooth is a huge video game fan which is totally right in congruence with myself. Smooth is probably my favorite whale not gonna lie.

Flag bots for capcha. Their vote doesn't count unless capcha is correct.