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RE: Why on earth would I chose Synereo over Steemit? Synereo does not even exist!

in #synereo9 years ago

Stellabelle wrote an article that was heartfelt and genuine,about very real concerns that she shares with many others. And how she belives that Synereo has done a much better job when it come to creating a fair system. She has not dismissed Steemit altogether. Your full-frontal attack is hardly helping matters. Your whole article is rude, you come across as an arrogant know-it-all,I´m sorry to say. Maybe the problem is that you don´t trust other people to be genuine about their real motivations? Stellabelle has done well on Steemit,but if you had read the article,her concern is more about others,not just herself.
Synereo is coming,and it will be awesome.
The fact that it has taken longer than expected is caused by the immense difficulty of creating a truly decentralised and revolutionary platform,beating Steemit by miles,from the very beginning.