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RE: 2 Problems Plaguing Steemit That Synereo Could Potentially Solve

in #synereo9 years ago (edited)

You might be making some good points here but you're praising a network that didn't even LAUNCH yet!
"a level of sophistication, compassion, intricacy and intelligence that is currently lacking in the Steemit platform." ?!
Where do you even get this idea from? From a commercial they made themselves FOR themselves?


You praised steemit for months and now this post...Don't get me wrong, steemit has a TON of problems, and the casual indifference to bullying is one of them. We need more posts that criticize steemit, we need more ideas and a more responsive dev team. We need a LOT of things to even start it on a better path.
But it is here and it is real!
Synereo is a good idea AT MOST at this point [ if that ]

Oh, and yeah, dana-edwards is not making money here?

For real?


I have the same questions. Synereo hasn't even begun alpha, so anything "better" as an overall system is purely theoretical at this point.

And for someone who has made thousands and thousands of SD and SP - largely by praising Steemit and benefiting from other people's stories - it seems a bit odd to now throw the platform under the proverbial bus because of some misconception about decentralization and "user safety." Why the sudden change of heart in conjunction with powering down?

Yes, this platform has problems (compensating dana-edwards is apparently not one of them), but it's still in beta and it's an entirely new blockchain concept. Problems are expected and they won't be solved overnight. I don't understand most of the criticisms here. They seem misplaced.

I feel the same way about the Yours Network. They've both got some big hills to climb, Steemit being one of them. A LOT can happen in the next few months before they both go live

100%. And one of thos emight be the "true" social network and we might look back on Steemit, kindly, as a failed experiment. I have no clue nor do you, but saying a network that didn't even launched that solved something is wishful thinking...and misleading.

Constructive criticism is a good thing for Steemit. And Synereo is a legitimate alternative platform which content producers from Steemit will be on sooner or later so either work with the Synereo team or compete but they aren't going away.

Constructive criticism is a very good thing for Steemit. False and misleading headlines for a post containing misinformation about a competitor are definitely not.


Well, if "exactly", then edit your FUD headline for this post.

I make money, some people think I make too much and some people think I make too little. Value is subjective and I accept the Casino Effect since as far as I know I'm the person who popularized the phrase. I think Steemit can embrace the gamification elements but the point is, the current Estimated Account Value for all of us is declining. We are a sinking ship and should focus on reversing this decline because in my opinion this value should be increasing.

Why doesn't anyone want to buy Steem Power?

Because Steem Power doesn't offer enough prestige? Because there isn't enough gamification elements? Because it's not marketed for people to hold Steem Power or Steem Dollars? The situation can change but it will take time to develop more uses for Steemit to most importantly keep this place fun.

I do no care either way what you make, I was just pointing out that saying that one of the most successful writers on Steemit is not "rewarded" is s symptom of Steemit's problems is flawed.
Also, I do respect your intellect, I said it again and again but I wonder if you also have a sense of humor too :)
PS: I, for one, think you invented that phrase although I think the effect is now diminished.

I think one of the reasons, a more human reason if you will is that it's difficult to buy SP as a non-crypto
FUN? I'm curious what is fun for you.

Passion and intellect. They are the fuel for a mind on fire.

I don't think we disagree here!