I have to say that my mind is boggled, did you know? That in 2016, some 3 years ago now.
A scientist named Craig Venter actually stated that he and his scientist buddies, could actually create a brand new life form!
Well whether your shocked an appalled or for that mater amazed and impressed, the word on the street is MUTANT'S well maybe not that extreme , but surely anything made by a human being, dabbling like a child, in comparison to ALIENS? Or God for that matter, is going to go wrong at some point: "Don't you think?"
So the story goes this being aptly named JCVI-syn3.0 Well I mean what else would you call it? Tom , Fido? Well certainly not JVC we are going to think it's a tape recorder. Might actually be seen out and about in 2019?
It seams there going about this with some complete enthusiasm, but I for one am not sure, that the next time I pop out the door for my morning milk bottle and that glorious ray of sunshine. I won't loose my head to an overgrown mushroom "With teeth".