Lied to regularly and ever more brazenly or incompetently, Western publics no longer trust what they hear whether truthful or not. By the looks of the reactions on French, British and American social media, Western publics are predominantly skeptical of their government's foreign policy and a plurality believe they are being lied to; meanwhile they are tiring of the mainstream news media propaganda. This time the logic of repeating a lie long enough until it's believed, hasn't worked.
But no matter. The action was carried out and governments are getting away with it. The lie was repeated so much the publics do not know anything else, so that despite their weariness with the incessant repetition of the same old, same old mainstream tune, they find themselves in the paradoxical position of not believing what they know; it's easier to go along with the paradigm even so, and with time one might convince himself he actually believes.
From what I see many US citizens actually believe the narrative. Perhaps not so much in Europe, but the "war on terror" story has been going on for years in the US. People who haven't been out of the country cannot understand why this could not be the case. All they know is that there are some pretty fanatic people in the Middle East, who fly on buildings and drop chemical bombs. People who live in smaller countries with more neighbours and especially closer to problematic areas are more likely to understand that it's never that simple.
Indeed what other narrative is there to believe, reservations and skepticism notwithstanding?
Yeah, even if the repeated lie doesn't work, they still get away with what they are doing :/ Go along to get along...