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RE: Should America Accept Syrian Refugees? The Arguments for and Against.

in #syria9 years ago (edited)

Very thourough post. Im not sure if i am on any particular side. There is without a doubt risk involved in allowing these refugees into the US. The problem is that it only takes one bad guy to get through, and who knows what could happen. But these people need our help. I try to always have faith in people, not always easy, but i think almosy all people are good. So i guess i am saying that it is worth the potential risk, to show the world that we are not afraid. That we are here to help people despite the risk. Everyone worries what are the bad things that could happen. What about the good things that may not happen if we dont allow them. What about the lives that could change and be touched through our welcoming of these peoples. What good could they do for us, and us for them?


Terrific post, thank you! I too am conflicted on the issue.