FSA, Ahrar al-Sham and HTS (earlier Nusra) have all cooperated for most of the times but they have also had infighting every now and then. This year I don't think FSA and Ahrar al-Sham have had fights against each other but I might be wrong. Fights between FSA and Ahrar al-Sham on one side and HTS (Nusra) on the other have been occured several times though.
About controlling Idlib I have understood that these three entities have controlled it (together or each some parts of the province) for several years now.
Good question what US-led anti-IS coalition gonna do. US have at least bombed HTS (Nusra) camps and headquarters several times this year.
But in deed, as you wrote @anarchyevo, interesting times ahead. Unfortunately I don't think it will improve the situation for the civilians.
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( Unfortunately I don't think it will improve the situation for the civilians. )
Yeah thats for sure. This explosive Situation could be worse then it was before. When Terror Groups are starting to split into different parts then the Situation gets worse cause they are starting to fight each other. Thats probably good for the interests of Governments. But not for the civilians.