Are you aware of reports that Syrians danced in the streets April 14th?
What does that mean?
What about the Russian response to the attack?
What does it tell us about the nature of the missile strikes in Syria?
Are you aware of reports that Syrians danced in the streets April 14th?
What does that mean?
What about the Russian response to the attack?
What does it tell us about the nature of the missile strikes in Syria?
We can't really know what is going on in the fog of war. The level of propaganda is off the Richter scale; so it really confuses everyone. The fact that Russia hasn't really responded yet is also a bit of an enigma. Still don't know what to make about a lot of it, apart from my long-standing conviction that Trump is acting on behalf of the Deep State / MIC / Zionist - complexes and that this Q Anon BS is nothing but that, a BS PSyop to distract the masses and give false hope to them. Don't see anything positive on the horizon, but rather more of this nonsense, until Putin's trigger finger clenches. And Putin himself is to be put into question, as we need to keep in mind the following:
Coat of arms of Russian "Empire" is still the Order out of Chaos NWO double-headed eagle!
Elections: NWO illusion of choice
So, we probably don't know half the story...
Every source I have found regarding Syrian's reaction after the attacks has confirmed them being overjoyed. I gauge the effect of the attack by the affected people, in this case Syrians.
Putin stated Russia would react militarily to a US attack. He's been castigated in the West of late, and his diplomats expelled by Trump. There is a public veneer of opposition between them, of this there is little doubt.
But during the attacks Russia and Syria attacked the terrorists--while the missiles were incoming. The Syrians now completely control Ghouta as a result.
Neither Putin nor Assad would have dared to leave their forces vulnerable without ABSOLUTE confidence in Trump, and that all those military actions were carefully coordinated. Further there were zero fatalities from over 100 cruise missiles, and but 6 injuries.
That is astounding! That's a massive bombardment, and would be almost impossible to completely prevent Syrian deaths. What more proof could you need that the attack wasn't against Assad, wasn't against Russian, but did in fact end the terrorist occupation in Ghouta in concert with Assad and Russia?
I have not seen one source of any political view, that denies or contradicts any of the points.
My own views on Trump have waffled. I have too often fallen prey to his doubletalk, that is necessary to mislead his enemies. I have seen now, proof that his enemies are those that Obama and the deep state were mercilessly infesting as murderous paid terrorists in Syria.
Let's hope Yemen is next.
Edit: Putin is a traditionalist. Russia would be roiled with outrage if he changed their coat of arms. It's a silly symbol, and has little bearing on current events.
Plausible assessment, as no reported deaths with 100+ missiles. Definitely some coordination going on between "whoever" order those missiles fired and the Syrians/Russians. But why do I get the feeling more war and bloodshed is on they way? Can't shake it lots of things still not adding up...
I reckon war profiteers will keep on trying until we put an end to them.