Syscoin is a revolutionary cryptocurrency that offers near zero cost financial transactions like Bitcoin and provides businesses the infrastructure to trade goods, assets, digital certificates and data securely.
current marketcap is $125,873,084 that is a pretty ok marketcap and vol is also considerable $3,955,120
on 25 june, which is tomorrow.. new pair sys/cny will be added on btc28 . now you have a brain for yourself, figure it out !
it also checked supp at 8840 , once it breaks 9034/9335 where will it go ?
own it.. got my fingers crossed
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since dec 2016... is among the ones that changed less
today ->
#SYSCOIN - 48th / $4.267 mil. marketcap / $0.008182 per coin / 521.607 mil. coins #SYSCOIN - 41st / $124.515 mil. marketcap / $0.236884 per coin / 525.637 mil. coins (+4.03 mil. coins since 25th DEC. 2016 -> 0.7726% inflation for 6 months / ~1.5% inflation per year, as scheduled)