I had nearly forgotten to write in this today. I can't meditate. I think the food here is what did it to me. The old woman had a special surprise meal that if we guessed the secret ingredient we wouldn't have to pay. I've eaten many meats, I knew it was foul. Few, a fire mage, and I both guessed seagull. While I enjoyed the game of it and a free meal, I'm stuck in an outhouse with what feels like fire bursting from my backside! I suppose it's fortunate for you though, because now you can read about my day.
I'd met the people I will be traveling with for the first time when the ship was docking at the town of Endclif. I already mentioned Few, she's a very young human. She seems more than happy to demonstrate her magical capabilities with her wand. Her hair is perpetually singed at the ends and her eyes are like two stars. She smiles often, probably the most endearing thing about her. I can't be sure why she wants to undertake a dangerous quest like finding the bottom of the abyss.
Eric is a dwarf and a follower of the Phoenix. He can also call upon flames but his healing magics are what he specializes in. I gave him the nickname Eric the Cleric. He's not shy about being religious. I've already been proselytize to and I have no patience for it. If he continues on like this I suspect we'll be at odds for the entire time we are together.
Iron Zanvar reminds me of a stalwart hero, going without his meal so that someone else might eat it. He's covered in heavy plate mail from head to toe and a cloak over it all. Even his face is covered at all times. He didn't offer much of his past. He carries a sword and shield and seems smarter than me despite living for a fraction of the time. He's not half as knowledgeable as I am with his crossbow though. It shows me just how much I've missed being stuck in those damn trees.
Urghat scares me. She's a towering half orc half human and she seems mad. She talks to herself, she screams at the people she meets, and she is terribly strong. The maul she carries on her back seems too large to wield but after seeing a demonstration of her strength I'm not sure anymore I'm more than a little curious to poke in her mind though. I've met more than one person who wandered into the forests raving about prophetic end times and foaming from the mouth.
The five of us disembarked and headed into town. We stuck together as we explored for the most part. The Flappy Stingray is the inn we're all staying, or atleast where THEY are staying since I have to stay out here all night.. We purchased rooms for later that night and set about organizing an excursion into the abyss. We went to a stone tower on one end of town. Inside there were gargoyles busy at work moving books and watching over a few children. Behind a counter a skeleton dressed in robes was welcoming us in. He introduced himself as Mr. Skelebones, the owner of the tower and a wizard.
Mr. Skelebones established his business to study the abyss. He'd summoned the gargoyles to assist him with collecting samples and the like. He offered a variety magical goods like potions to enhance one's natural abilities temporarily but his staves were more impressive. Some simply flung spells but the most intriguing staff had the ability to rejoin a body and its soul. He said the process of creating one took an entire month. I hadn't ever considered bringing someone back from death. Letting someone pass always seem like the right and natural thing to do.
Few was talking to one of the children who'd been practicing magic. Small flames spun around a jar on the table the were sitting at. The girl said her name was Iblis. She pointed to the jar and introduced it as Fredward. Inside the jar was a brain that could speak a few words. Mr. Skelebones offered to sell the brain since he was finished with studying it. When Urghat was handing him his money Iblis butted in and handed him more. Back and forth this little girl and giant woman shouted numbers at the skeleton until eventually Iblis had no more money. She was paying more than double the original price but Urghat had won. Why she wanted it I don't know. Few was a bit upset that we'd taken Fredward away from Iblis since she had tried so hard to keep him. I was more taken aback by the fact that she had nearly fifty gold pieces to spend on something so silly.
Iblis wasn't so crestfallen though. She perked up when we told her our intentions to enter the abyss. She offered to show us to the hole for a considerable fee. Negotiations went no where. In my frustration I asked a random gargoyle for directions and he obliged. As devilish as Iblis was to charge for something that cost nothing I admire her tenacity. She couldn't be more than eight years old but she already understood a lot about the adult world.
The town was built along one side of the abyss. The pit was so massive even I struggled to see the small elevator built on the other side. We wouldn't be allowed to use it to descend unless we were given a permit to enter the abyss from the woman who lived nearest to it. Dozens of children were playing or doing chores outside of her house. A full orc standing taller than Urghat she said her name was Ilean, the care taker of any children orphaned by their parents when they didn't return from the abyss. The number of these children was a bit upsetting to me.
She had recently cut down on the number of permits she issued. If we were to enter the abyss by legal means we'd have to help a man named Oscar take care of some bandits called Salvation. They'd been using a cove on the island as a refuge to hide their ill gotten wealth. They were on the far side of the island near a place called Piranha Bog. To get there we have to travel through either the Squawking Pass, a jungle path named for the birds that live there, or a ruined temple the children apparently like going to.
We returned to exploring the town and stumbled into the shop of local eccentrics, the Gimme Brothers. The first thing they were doing was shooting at each other with small cannons. Their small frames meant they flew back when firing. They only noticed us after a shot ricocheted off of Zanvar's armor. As a way to apologize for shooting a customer they gave him a glowing blue sphere. He put it into his mask so now he has this otherworldly eye. They carried lots of adventuring gear and magical weapons. I'd have loved to stock up on magical arrows but their prices were outrageous. They offered to buy feathers by the pound from us though so perhaps when we come back I can pick up a few.
We talked a bit and the subject of Fredward came up. They thought it was an interesting curio, but I made it irresistible. I spun a tale of a blacksmith with the collective knowledge of the ten blacksmiths before him and a ritual with the ability to unlock the techniques they used. They were slow to believe me but when Few insisted it was true they paid more than double what Urghat had. Few told me to never involve her in something like that again but everyone else was impressed. I hope Urghat will remember this if she ever gets annoyed enough with me to hurt me.
The day was turning to night and back at the Flappy Stingray we met Oscar. He is a hulking lizard man who drags a cannon mounted to a log with him wherever he goes. When he talks his words linger in his mouth making him sound more beastly than civilized. He fancies himself a marksman and hunter just like me. When I told him of my past hunts he laughed and told me I wasn't a true hunter. Writing this angers me just as much as hearing those slow disgusting words. He'll see just how good I am.
We made a rough plan for a round trip through Squawking Pass, to Piranha Bog, and back down through the temple. Along the way Oscar and I will compete to see who the better huntsman really is. Oscar wanted to wager money on the hunt, and while I am be more than confident to match his bet I have only two gold pieces to rub together. Urghat was eager to make her own wagers on something else. She rolled up her sleeves and the two arm wrestled. I wouldn't be surprised if Oscar could tear me limb from limb but as soon as they started his arm was flat on the table.
Few Eric and Zanvar sat at their own table drinking cheap beer. When I asked Few if she should be drinking she looked at me like it would have been strange for her not to be drinking. Eric happily ordered another round of drinks for all of them while Zanvar just took his drinks politely. The merriment only stopped went Few tried to down an entire drink in one go and passed out. We carried her to a room and agreed it would be a good idea to turn in for the night. “I'll just go to the toilet before lights out.” I'll never forgive or forget that old woman and her bulging eye. At least I know tomorrow will be better. Today was too rough for it not to be.
Credit for the map goes to the DM, all other art credit goes to the friend I mentioned at the end of entry 1
I showed these to the friends I had been playing with, and at the time I posted this I suppose I was just unsure of how to give credit properly. This is a link to the friend who had drawn Harren and and all the rest of the party. He does plenty more than just our little games