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RE: Steemit D&D 5e Online Game / Call to action

in #tabletop-rpg7 years ago

I agree. I was not clear on some things that are obvious to me. let me try and answer some of your questions.

  1. How to keep the campaign moving at a steady pace ?
    -The campaign will move forward daily.

  2. How will players work off of each other.
    - We use to use private messages on the Bulletin Boards. For Steem I see one player posted their reply to the main thread and the other players posting replies to that one. (This will be the biggest thing for players to get use to, but creates some interesting events)

  3. Combat has to be streamlined.
    Example: The party runs across 4 goblins and the mage is out front (no idea why). This is how it would go.

    Main Post: As you exit the tunnel you see some reinforcements have arrived, in the form of four goblins with spears rushing towards you and pointing.

    Mage Player (reply to post) I raise my arm and fire Magic Missles at Lvl 2, and pull out my magical dagger +1 to finish off any goblins.

    DM Reply to Player post: The magic Missles burn through 3 of the goblins and they have to the ground with a look of shock on their faces. The final missile slams into the left shoulder of the 4th goblin. He screams a blood curdling scream and dives forward. You side step the spear and swing your dagger through his throat ending the noise.
    You look at dagger and realize you have no cloth to clean it.

  4. If someone misses a day due to personal reasons, The DM will run the character's turn trying to keep in character for that player and doing what is best for the party.

Hope that helps.

I would love to have you as a player now we need at least 2 more.


You might want to use a system like Symbaroum, which is streamlined in comparison to D&D. You can pretty easily adapt it to the setting if you need.

Alternatively, if you'd like to use Hammercalled (the game we're working on), I'd be happy to work on making it fit a PBP format for you.

Sounds great. I would love to use Hammercalled.
Any chance you could help send some players my way ?
Or any type word of mouth would be awesome.

Thanks for reaching out

Sadly, I have no players to send (none who use steem, at least).

However, you can get all the stuff for Hammercalled here:

It's something of a different animal than D&D in some ways, but it is built to run fast (combat should take 1-3 rounds, unless people decide to string it out, one roll for pretty much everything outside combat).