I am interested in UFO and secret space program. I would love it if we had a tag for UFO.
My first introduction to the secret space program was in Camaron Bay Vietnam 1967. I was trying to get air-rescue to parachute beer into my next patrol in Playtrap Valley. I was already combat hardened and had that 1000 yard stare so I pretty much went wherever I wanted with people thinking it was probably better not to question whether I had the need to know. I walked into this hanger looking for air-rescue and low and behold there was the SR 71 with two pilots climbing in with space suits. I said to myself "We have this and they say we are losing the war?"
Tags here are just like social media hashtags - what Steemit lists at the left side are just the popular ones. You can put a hashtag of whatever and hence create whatever tag you like. It's just a matter of it being popular or not, so good luck with that |・ω・)
Thank you. I thought you would be voted down if you did not use the standard tags. I will go through my posts and add the tag.