You point out one with 5 tags, noticed one yesterday with 8 tags that were all token related and none about the content.
I've struggled with this concept. We are powering up #palnet and #neoxian tokens and want to further reward the PIFC community, but that means entries now we need to waste 2 tags. They are both general content tags, but to have 2 of 5 eaten up on just earning those tokens kind of sucks.
Not sure that the current system behind the token market is helping Steem as a whole. In time 90% of these tokens will have 0 value anyways so time will likely fix some of the issue, but until then I'd love to see a solution.
yabapmatt posted a reply with the original proposed solution, but that would mean a lot less movement with the tribes - but less tag spamming for 'visibility'. offers lots of tags, but it is only an editor.
The tags you mention are not content specific so i would expect those to appear on many who have powered up their relevant stake. 8 tags just for tokens may seem like few in coming months, it's getting a little out of control though.
I'm sure something will actually happen, otherwise this will get completely out of control. I'm curious to see how many new tokens get issued over the next year...kind of crazy already. Can you picture if we go into a bull market what will happen? New tokens will pop up like crazy.
Yes i was thinking today about how a bull market could effect our SCOT tokenization. Secretly hoping that SMT will arrive just before the bull as i think they could drive the price of STEEM better. Not certain though, will just keep going and see what happens.
Oh the promise of SMTs has been dangled in front of us for so long. Know it's supposed to be next on the list...lets see when it happen. When it was first talked it was a big fat juicy it's just been hanging there for to long. Now feel like that carrot has become covered in mold barely enough to motivate anyone other then the desperate.