Trump said at a joint press conference after the meeting that he had discussions with Putin about the many important issues in the US and Russia. The discussion has been constructive and it has progressed very well. He congratulated Putin for organizing the World Cup football tournament. At the same time, he said this year's World Cup is better than any other player.
Trump said he would not want conflict and hostility, diplomacy and participation. They talked about issues related to nuclear disarmament, Russian interference in the US elections, and many other issues.
In the US, in the presidential election held in 2016, speaking about the issue of Russian intervention, Trump criticized the judiciary and intelligence agencies of its own country. He said there was no conspiracy in his election campaign camp with Russia. The investigation by Robert Müller, the Special Counsel, is ridiculous. This investigation had a negative impact on Russian-American relations. Putin also agreed to work together on Israeli security issues, the US President said.
Putin stood beside the trump, "During the meeting, President Trump raised the issue of Russian intervention in the elections. I have said several times before that, Russia has never intervened and will never interfere in the US internal affairs with the election process.
At this stage, Putin asked that he did not want to win the trump? In response, he said, 'Yes I wanted to. Because the promise of strengthening relations between Washington and Moscow was trump. The Russian president said that Robert Müller urged Moscow to interrogate suspected Russians for the intervention of US elections.
Putin said that the relationship between the United States and Russia is going through a difficult situation, Putin said that he expressed concern over the withdrawal of the United States from Iran with the six world powers nuclear deal. He said that for the sake of this agreement, Iran is now starting to become the world's most controlled country. Regarding US and Russian relations, Putin said there is no strong reason behind the complexities of the relationship between these two countries.
nice post