Takeda Shingen is an outstanding Japanese commander

in #takeda7 years ago

 Takeda Shingen is an outstanding Japanese commander

Takeda Shingen (1521-1573) - Japanese daimyo and commander of "The Epochs of Warring Provinces" (1467-1568). It is considered not only one of the best military leaders, but also  an extraordinary, bright personality, which left a significant mark in  the history of Japan.

Distinguished himself already at the age of 15 during his father's first participation in the military campaign. Takeda took over the command and took the fortress, from the assault which my father wanted to refuse. But the apparent talents of the young warrior evoked the envy and fears of the parent, who wanted to get rid of his son. At 17, Takeda Shingen, with the support of most of the provincial samurai, deprived his father of power. After that, the neighbors repeatedly tried to take possession of the  lands of the young daimyo (in the mountain province of Kai), but Takeda  skillfully repelled the attacks and was even able to expand his  possessions.

Especially often he had to deal with the forces of Uesugi Kensin. Five  times their armies converged on the battlefield, and in one of the  battles it came to even a personal battle between the two generals. However, such samurai fights have already gone down in history ...

About numerous exploits of Takeda is told in the historical work "Koyo gunkan". He is described as a fearless, cold-blooded and noble warrior, respecting worthy opponents (such as Uesugi Kenshin). His reforms laid the foundation for the formation of a professional army. The system of mobilization and supply developed by him made it possible to collect up to 45 thousand people very quickly. Takeda Shingen did not even build fortified castles, but relied on the art of his warriors. 

 In many respects his transformations were innovative. So,  he was one of the first to understand the advantages of firearms, the  shooting of which could be trained in shorter terms than archery. At this time in Japan there were introduced by the Portuguese arquebus. And in 1555 Takeda purchased 300 rifles for his ashigaru infantry. At the same time, he also used the services of ninja saboteurs, including women (kunoichi).

The economic policy of this warrior, who turned out to be a talented manager, also deserves attention. He reformed the taxation system, allowing peasants to pay taxes not only with rice, but also with money. This,  on the one hand, led to the replacement of corporal punishment with  fines, and on the other hand to the development of trade. In addition, it allowed to win the love of the peasantry. In his possessions, Singen took care of the construction of roads, dams and dams, the development of gold mining. In addition, adopted a set of laws of 57 articles, introduced a system  of administrative control, after which the government of the shogun  Tokugawa Ieyasu was later built.

But Takeda Shingen became famous not only for his military victories and reforms. He  earned universal respect, including enemies, by preaching nobility in  battle, in the most difficult situations he showed composure, patronized  the martial arts, and at the same time composed poems. With  his motto inscribed on the banner, he selected a quote from the "Art of  War" by the Chinese author Sun-tzu: "As swift as the wind. Quiet as a forest. Fierce as fire. Steady as a mountain. "