Hi @htooms,
Are you up for a quick and fun interview? For an unpopular opinion puffin interview? I was planning on doing something similar to this https://steemit.com/story/@puffin/unpopular-opinion-puffin-interview-with-steemit-s-ned-and-dan
– but this time a real and not a fictional interview.
I will come up with a funny introduction of how I noticed you on Steemit. Here is the rough scetch, which might change a little: As a whale you were too big to eat for a bird. So I decided to watch how you overrun and crash other fish, so I was able eat them. But instead of crashing them into little pieces, you protected them, they swam in your mouth and with your help they were able to break through boundaries, reach deep waters etc.
On Steemit you a considered a hero. Would you consider yourself as the Robin Hood of Steemit?
How did you come up with the idea of your “I'm not going to upvote you 🐋 Do it yourself!” series? Did you watch Avatar and got excited when you saw the avatar robot suit?
Is the following image correct? You basically offer a powerful whale suit for a couple of hours?
Sounds fascinating! What made you invest a bunch of bitcoins in Steemit? Are you glad you did?
What do you think are the biggest obstacles for Steemit going onwards?
Are you here to stay? Have you made your mind up yet in regards to that question?
Short answers would certainly do, so I hope, you are up for it and find the time to answer these. It would be very cool if you would participate.
It has only been (not even) two weeks since I have been free to positively impact Steemit again. I really do like your format, Following you now.
Actually, my kids picked the images. I know, boring answer, right?
@htooms, I am so glad you took the time to respond. These are definitely answers I am able to work with. Might take a bit, but I will update you once it is done.
Just published our chat
Hope you enjoy reading it.
Thanks again. It was a lot of fun to create this article!