1. Year in Books 2024

in #talk2 months ago

Hello everyone! Hope you guys are doing great.
I have returned to the platfrom almost one and a half months later. But let's not talk about that. So, today I will be sharing my reading journey for the last year.

I have been on Goodreads since 2016. So naturally, it is the place of my tracking. Although, sometimes I think, I do not possess the love for books like the old times, rather it is a process of not letting another old habit of mine die. It seems I am on the goodreads for showing off.

In the year 2023, I read 69 books! Which motivated me to go even higher. As a result, I set 72 books for the 2024 reading challenge. But things were not looking great! It seemed I would not be able to complete the challenge.

But, my EGO! That will not take this downfall easily. So, I kind of cheated. Somehow, I managed to barely pass the challenge.


While writing this, I found out I have collected some achievements. Which is a new thing to me.


Now about the cheating, I listened to many audiobooks last year, but still that was not cutting it, so I went after comics to finish the challenge. And I did enjoy reading DCeases run quite a lot! I'm glad I read it. I have also enjoyed V for Vendetta, although in the middle chapters, I was somewhat bored and could not grasp what was happening. During the last hour of 2024, I picked up Asterix and the Golden Sickle and this marks the 72nd book of 2024.

Here are some statistics provided by the goodread's year in books feature:


In 2023, I discovered a cool site developed by Eric named myyearinbooks. It shows a lot more statistics than the Goodreads. There is a slight difference in the page numbers. Goodreads shows I read 10,813 pages in 2024, and myyearinbooks shows 10,742 books. Even if it discards the page number of the previously read books, which I re-read again, it still would not be that number. So, I will not be bothered by it.

I liked the minutes it shows. 18,261 minutes! That's quite a lot.


It also shows the genres I read and how many books of that genre I read.


Books per month is a common statistic that is found on both sites. But Goodreads does not allow showing one year; rather, it shows all the years.


The publication years of the books I read are also neatly presented on the myyearinbooks site. Goodreads should upgrade it's game.


Okay, it was only about the non-academic books. But last year I picked up another habit of tracking pages I read across everything. This includes fiction, nonfiction, academic, religious, papers, and even sites converted to pages!


So, this total number is now 17,368 pages. Average pages per month are nearly 1,448 pages. This shows my daily average reading is almost 48 pages. Which is low, I will admit it.

What will be my challenge for 2025?
I will ease it down a notch.

What are my plans and resolutions? Well, if I had any, clearly you would have guessed it that I am not good at that kind of thing. But I have something in my head and will not express those to spoil me even more.

Thanks for your time. Bye for today. Hopefully I will return soon with some other gibberish.


69 books! I find that hard to believe. I barely managed to read 16 books last year, and I’m the only person (well, there’s another one) in my whole social circle who reads books. I would like to find the time to read more, but life has its way of getting in the way.

Well there are some people in Goodreads who reads 300+ books yearly! I cannot wrap my head around this! How can they read so much? Are they speed reader? Don't they have any work?