There is a lot hidden deep within us. Usually, we go about our days and donโt take time to explore.
The hidden parts, which are chronically unseen, are projected into the mirrors around us.
These are situations, and people, we encounter on a daily base. If we choose to ignore them, blame them, or victimize ourselves, instead of taking responsibility, we will create shadows.
And these shadows are truly amazing in kicking our asses! As if there is some shadow university where they get trained how to fuck up our life ;)
๐ So now we know that everything around us is merely a translation of our vibration, we can take our own life into our own hands. How unexpected!
We can learn to deal with these shadows in a way that they feel seen. You know, everything which has become just wants to be. It is not after you to get you, to create chaos in your life, or to punish you. It just wants to be expressed. It is energy. Suppressed energy makes us ill, in the mind and the body. It looks for any way to escape the dark prison within you.
It wants to see the light.
It wants to move.
It wants to transform.
Energy never wants to just lay down on the floor like: โHey I am doing nothing from now on, you go, live your life and forget about me.ยจ This energy will do anything to get you to open some hatch so it can be free once again.
๐ How to do this? How to deal with the energy of the shadows we donโt want to see, show or deal with?
How to release the demons without hurting others?
Because that is exactly what happens mostly. Someone always gets hurt if we neglect the unwanted.
There are many ways to work with them. For me, it happens spontaneously when I am ready to see.
A process of changes in me and sometimes around me, making decisions about what I want now from my life and deep Soul work always lead me to some practice where I can meet the shadow.
During such a practice I let the shadow emerge and express whatever it wants to and however it wants to express it Self. This is truly beautiful and one of my favorite things to do. Therefore I love my shadows.
All kinds of trauma were pilled in me, starting as an almost aborted child, fearing my dead in the womb. Unwanted, left, unloved, beaten, hated, criticized, never good enough, never beautiful enough...the usual. From there I became a vibrational match to more trauma.
All the pain was hidden deep in me, only to shake me up, to awaken me.
Art by Louis Royo
I am truly grateful to these shadows for serving me in such a way that I was able to rise above my little victimized girl.
I've embraced them and found immense power deep within me. I love the shadows, I really do.
It is such a pleasure to work with them.
Life should be playful. It should be nice to us, we should enjoy every minute of it. But most of the times we choose to feel bad and neglect our inner Self.
๐ So I want to share an example of the practice with the shadow I did a few days ago. I will be writing about it in the next post, if you are intetessted to read and learn how you might do something similar.
I promise you, it is so worth to do it, to invite your shadows to play with you. To give them space for expression.
Because, honestly, is there something or someone, who doesnโt long for exactly that?
To express themselves?
This is the reason we all come here. Every human, every animal, plant, bird, bacteria...everything has consciousness and everything knows exactly what it wants from life and itโs life becomes an expression of this deep longing. If we can allow ourselves to receive then everything and everyone thrives.
~Nika ๐

I think if I don't look at the shadows then they become the puppet master and I am the puppet.
Shadow work is very important in my view also.
There is much to learn.
Thank you for the thought provoking post
Yes, we become the puppets. We can see around us how many people don't realize what they are doing.
Thank you for support ๐
Being open to receive, it seems like a very simple concept. However, there is a horrifying feeling of being exposed and vulnerable when I open myself to receive. Not sure if that is a male thing or just a system of self-protection.
That being said being open to shadows is how my grandmother taught me how to sleep without a night light. She taught me to befriend the shadows by staring directly into the center of the darkest part of the room watching them play.
Looking forward to your next article.
Wow your grandma was a wise lady ๐บ๐๐
Being open to receive is frightening for everyone who got hurt. Yet it is the only way out and to heal. ๐ฆ
"Yet it is the only way out and to heal. ๐ฆ" Isn't that like the craziest thing. Your butterfly emoji really drives the point home. The caterpillar is nice and comfortable in its cocoon. The only way to truly become the butterfly is for it to emerge from its place of comfort. ๐
Exactly why I chose it. If we help butterfly to get out, it will never develop the strength in it's wings to fly. Exactly what we have to do. We get support but still we need to do it ourselves. Thank you ๐ฆ๐๐
It is nice to meet a like-minded person๐
beautiful post.. i can relate to every word! much love.. im feelin you!
Thank you! ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ฆ
I guess people who are afraid of their own are afraid of themselves.
Beautiful! Truly happy for each being who finds their power inside of them. We must love every aspect of ourselves so we can love someone else truly.
There is no black & white there is light and power in the shadows and there is fear and pain in the light. Things are so much more subtle than a human mind can comprehend.
Exactly ๐