Remember Love ❤️
The past few years we can see that our world is finding itself in a turmoil like never before.
Not that it wasn’t there, most of us just didn’t see it for what it was. Most of us were so consumed by day to day life that we had no time, no chance to look closely. The generations before us were struggling to survive times of hunger, wars, famine. Hard working and lack of education lessened the few options they might have had. Those who had chances to receive education were systematically brainwashed by the new man made his-story. Reset after reset, millions killed and displaced, children transported to repopulate far-away areas and now no one really knows what was two hundred years ago. We go about our life without giving a thought to if this is the right way of living. Our minds are programmed through DNA and family patterns to not question, to be blind to injustice, to even pay and beg for our enslavement. And to hate, prosecute and even kill those who refuse.
❤️ Yet, something has changed. There were great minds and open hearts in past. They suffered and were banned from the society. They were a few separate individuals from time to time, the established “truth” deniers, martyrs, holy men, profits and women serving the divine marked as whores and witches.
Our past is full of lies but if we are ready, if we open our mind to the Truth and are able to filter what's not real, what is being presented as truth while pouring the venom into our hearts, we start to realize that this whole system was build to keep us in slavery while it is inconspicuously sucking out our
life-force. When we are in stress our cells emit light and although it might seem as science-fiction to many, there are more and more people recognizing that there is something very wrong with all we see and hear around us. For some reason an event is taking place. This event is called the Great Awakening because it awakens the whole humanity to the Truth. There are many stages, many levels and for each of them there are many tools of manipulation, deception, lies and cruelty.
There are loving divine energies constantly emitting high frequencies of support, guidance, protection, attention and love to the Earth and to every human being.
They hold us in soft blanket and gently guide us to our hearts where our Souls reside. Once we reach there, once we open the doors of our hearts, we are awakening to Love. We are starting to realize that that is the only way out.
❤️ But there are also dark low frequencies constantly broadcasting their disruption to us so they can thrive in the world that was never meant for them. Although many are trying to deny the existence of evil, one just has to look at the large scale pedofilia and there is no denial possible. The suffering of children, and animals for that matter, is one of the worst atrocities and their bright light is being consumed by the beings of mean-spirited intentions. They create environment of mass contagion with virus so dark that many can’t even see it exists.
We receive these ill frequencies and hurry to serve them with all of our resources given to us by the divine Source. We’ve been granted sovereignty yet we willingly give all of our rights away, rush into wars to kill our brothers and sisters, rape in the name of freedom, sacrifice innocent babies and animals in blood rituals on daily base and justify every expression of evil as something cultural, necessary, rightful, or even something that should nourish our bodies.
Although on collective level it might seem we are still unaware and our eyes are closed, it is just another illusion, another deception. It is here to discourage those who are awakening, to give them a feeling of powerlesness and even throw them in the loneliness, despair and depressiom. All of these low vibe emotions feed their matrix and it steels our time we got, our life. We can become hundreds of years old, but our bodies get recycled after a few decades. We are still babies, we don’t know anything and that is exactly how we are being kept in dark. But now the time has come that many are awakening. Many are seeing the Truth and can’t be manipulated anymore. Their strength grows with their knowledge and their actions are coming into alignment with the divine because they take the bold step and purify themselves. The virus of mind can only cease to exist if we purge it. When we turn away from the evil after we’ve seen it's actions. When we look inside and pull it out of ourselves and deny it's return. Like Smeagol in Lord of the Rings said: “Go away and never come back.” We might be frightened first as our reality starts to crumble and people we knew start to leave our lives. We might feel alone, abandoned, but we must re-connect to the God inside. We have everything we need, we are being guided towards abundance, harmony, love, prosperity, joy and all of the beautiful experiences our life holds for us.
❤️ All we need to do is to let go of the old ways. Let go of the hand that was leading us into darkness where it pretended to light up the candle. It was an illusion and now the candle burned out.
A few weeks ago the humanity made a shift like never before in the history of our existence.
It is already done, but we must keep going to show this path to our sisters and brothers who are still in the dark, who are fearing the Light.
We must do the work, keep purging, keep opening our hearts and shine the divine light that comes through that portal on everyone.
We must stop engaging in drama created to divide us, to distract us and deceive.
We must release everything and everyone so that we can unite once again when everyone arrives at the destination we sat the course for.
We will be together once again in the Light, in the Christ consciousness, in the Golden era, in the Zero point.
But for now we have to filter who we let into our lives.
Sometimes it hurts a bit but the right connections are more important than ever before.
Make sure the right frequency surrounds you. Even energetic connections with lower programming are influencing you. Your Facebook friends always screaming fearful messages about our doomed future or those falling for war agendas are an example of what you need to let go of.
The process of purification is a hard one yet we can't stop halfway.
❤️ Wishing everyone more wisdom than the TV allowed them to have while saying good by to the people who choose to fall back asleep. We all have our process and moment of the true Great Awakening.
In the end, no one will be left behind. Some just choose to stay in the hell little longer. Let them.
There are many who live in Love. Many who are here to take your hand and offer a warm hug,
who will be guiding you as we go, as we are leaving the dark prison of the ill-made collective mind.
We can't hold in and as we are getting closer to the Source, we will have to leave behind those who decided not to keep going. We all have the choice and it's not our responsibility to carry anyone who doesn't want to move.
❤️ There is only one Truth and when you decide that this is the only option you can allow in your life you will have to peel off every lie.
Even if it's family.
Even if it's friends.
Even if it's your partner.
Because the Truth is, every lie keeps you away from being one with the Source.
Each step you walk away from the lies is bringing you closer to who you truly are.
It lifts a veil after veil and liberates you from the chains of slavery.
The pain of losses you have to experience will be soozed by Love that will wrap you in her fluffy blanket.
Truth is all around you.
It's in the sunray warming up your face.
It's in the raindrop falling from the sky.
It's in each step as you walk bare feet and feel the Earth beneath you alive. Pulsing. Like your heart, beating in the rhythm of Truth.
Truth is Love.
Love is what made us.
Love is who we are.
To remember the Truth we need to forget the lies.
Forgive them. Let go.
Return to your innocence.
Your life has your back.
Release and breathe.
Live and Love.
It's all just about you.
You are Love
Re~Member (with) Truth
Re~Member (with) Love
It's all YOU.
~Nika ❤️

I liked your poem and appreciate you sharing it on ListNerds.