Let us all now take responsibility for what we have created on the personal level and the collective level.
🌸 We've been putting our heads into the sand for far too long. Too many have suffered tremendously and some might not be able to heal from trauma and atrocities implemented on them.
And how often have we not just looked the other way but even participated?
How often have we paid for the torture and murder of the innocent?
By buying meat, by paying taxes used for financing the tools for the violence in other countries? Have we totally lost our minds thinking that it is normal to invade, rape, torture, and kill? How many of us are justifying this bullshit? Protecting the system designed to enslave us by their lives even?
Where in all of this is Love?
Or have we forgotten who we truly are?
I don't believe that.
🌸 I've seen the future so beautiful and bright.
Full of abundance, full of light.
Future where we all just love one another. Where we hold each other gently and make love in the light of our hearts, in the light of Source.
This future is liberated from the darkness and thoughts that came with it.
There is no ownership or jealousy.
There is no suffering, hunger, or poverty.
There is all we need.
🌸 We always have all we need just within the reach of our hands. But the system covered it all with illusions of scarcity. It made us full of fear and desire so we are easily manipulated. And as we are believing it,
we are keeping it alive. We are powering up the one thing that is destroying us.
The moment we decide we want to come into the light, everything we need for that journey is immediately provided for.
All tools, people, materials, and experiences are here to guide us to the light. And yet so many of us fear that journey as if the light is so dangerous. We've been made afraid of it. We've been believing lies about punishment and eternal flames for our sins.
But these sins aren't ours!
They have been programmed into our minds. Slowly, bit by bit we have been changed into heartless machines and harming each other.
But that is done now.
🌸 There are those who came here to purge this shit out of us. Out of the collective mind. To help awaken those who still whirl in the matrix illusion.
And we leave no man behind.
The work is done only when the last mind is free.
🌸 We see the matrix crumbling. We see the glitches and short circuits. We are seeing the true reality behind the veil of lies.
There are those who answered the call to come forth and take the responsibility even for those who won't.
These people are often ridiculed and feel lost. And that is done by design. It is to weaken us, to let us forget our true power, our talents, and the gifts we brought with us when we've accepted this mission.
🌸 I am here to tell you, brothers and sisters, you are not crazy. Your suffering is being seen and you are being supported in such a magical way that you often don't realize it.
But once you do, there is no way back.
Once you innerstand that there are millions of you around answering the same call, you will see that we are the army of Light.
We've been given many tools and sacred plant medicine, to help us cure and to make us see the Truth of who we are.
Once we can see it, we embrace all of it.
🌸 The inner war is over and the Sacred Union becomes our reality. When we are united inside we unite outside. There is a reason why we are being divided. But for every trick of the matrix, the divine provides us with tricks of its own. One of these tricks is Love between man and woman. And I don't mean love as we all think about it, the romance and the so-called happily ever after. I mean true divine Love of two independent Souls who came here to empower the humanity by the work they do, by the light they emit, by the service to the Source. Those who can love unconditionally, who can surrender to the highest purpose, are being drawn together because they have the immense power to not only break the matrix but to transform it. They shine so much light that even those drowning in the darkest waters will see that light and will l9ng for it so much that they will move away from the darkness.
These couples are the Divine Union, they are bringing the Christ consciousness to the Earth. They teach True Love, and for that, they are being kept apart by the system, they are being attacked.
But this is over now. No lie can live forever. This is the time of Sacred Union in each of us.
🌸 There are those who will facilitate ceremonies with real teachings, not those twisted and polluted by perversion or fear to distract you and keep you away from the Truth, keep you addicted and lost.
There will be cleansing and purging and you, my beloved brothers and sisters, might be called to do the work.
I truly hope you will find the courage to come forward and join the warriors who came before you, who are calling you to stand up against injustice, violence, perversion, slavery, and theft of our beautiful world.
🌸 The system wants you to believe you are on your own but you are not.
Open your eyes and call in your tribe.
The people who stand with you are within the reach of your arms. Connect deeply, look into eachother's eyes and you will find your light family. In spirit, in the light, we are all connected, we are all together and we leave no one behind.
I love you.
~Nika 🌸

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This is very deep and profoundly true! i think for most of the people still this is very unknown territory and i am so glad you start to bring it to people to innerstand. I think we all are very interested in hear more from you 🙏
Thank you love 💗
Nice post. Yes people need to wake up from this dream of fear. Get out of denial and awaken to love.
Thanks for an awesome post.
Thank you for the suppoort❤️ Funny enough it gets downvoatedmon Listnerds like crazy 😄
wow thats surprising. I found this post very uplifting. to bad they are all missing out