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RE: 40-Caliber Way of Life--Animal Rescue in Central Appalachia

in #tarc6 years ago

Something everyone who shops on Amazon should know is that if you put smile. (smile dot) in front of any URL, Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase price to the charity of your choice. Tazewell County Animal Rescue Coalition is one of the charities listed there.

Also as an aside, @rhondak: @tarc has suffered actual damages. In legal terms, punitive damages are something a judge or jury awards on top of actual damages, usually as a deterrent to future civil violations. If you haven't done so already, I can't overstate the value a good lawyer can provide you in this matter. Even though I realize most of the residents of that area don't have anything with which to compensate you for damages, most private attorneys are required to take a certain number of pro bono cases each year, and if nothing else it wouldn't be too hard (given the evidence I've seen at least) to get a court to order these people to cease and desist.

It's comically tragic that these people have nothing better to do with their time than troll an animal rescue. And it's simple child psychology why they would blame you for suggesting they spay and neuter their pets rather than save them from their own irresponsible behavior.


Thank you so much for this comment, @miryam. And you are right on all counts. We are indeed listed with Amazon Smile. :-) That's a really fantastic charitable giving option offered by Amazon that has been a great source of extra income for the rescue.

As far as damages, nailed that, too. Recovering compensation for the damages would indeed be the problem. The majority of people trolling with those comments don't have a pot to piss in. We're not talking about mensa IQs here. These are hardscrabble, hard luck ne'er-do-wells who'll eventually malinger their way onto a disability check and live on the take for the rest of their lives. Social media has given them a megaphone, but instead of using truth to improve the world, they run around quarreling about the rumor mill. Ah, well. Whatever makes them happy, I guess.