Astral harmonies and disharmonies give us the opportunity to meditate and execute our course in the most appropriate way today. Let yourself be carried away to the world of Oz in a calm and relaxed way. The 4 and the 2 of Pentacles - 04/09/24

in #tarot6 months ago

The Moon ends its transit through Virgo, opposing Neptune before entering Libra. At the same time it trines Pluto and Uranus. The opposition with Neptune will bring us face to face between our way of feeling and relating and our dreams and our power of manifestation. At the same time, the trine with Uranus and Pluto gives us that harmonious relationship with the transformation, evolution and resurrection of our desires and our personal growth. For its part, the Sun opposes Saturn in Pisces. Our way of showing ourselves to the world, our way of being, faces containment, limits and discipline that make us step on the ground to reflect on the direction to follow in the most practical way for our needs. There can be friction between our desires and the logic to carry them out. Mars enters Cancer where our warrior will position himself to defend his people. During this transit of just over a month, Mars will focus on emotions, on the home and on the closest ties. Today's cards are the 4 and 2 of Pentacles. The 4 of Pentacles calls us to a search for stability and containment by aligning its energy with that of Saturn. It will make us feel somewhat insecure about the changes that are coming and asks us to be prudent and leave impulsiveness for another time. For its part, the 2 of Pentacles presents us with duality and the need for decision. We may encounter a situation where we must choose to take one path or another. It tells us about balance and the juggling that we sometimes have to do to overcome certain circumstances. The decisions we make will have an impact in the medium term, so try to calm down and think carefully about your choice. The astral canvas today shows us the changes that must occur and asks us to take them with caution and tranquility. Step by step without rushing is the path to take. Good Wednesday!!


The 4 of Pentacles basically means that, at this moment, there may be a fear or suspicion that does not allow you to leave something or make an assertive decision. When this card appears in a query, you may be becoming too attached to security. And this isn't necessarily a bad thing, because sometimes we actually need to keep things close to our chest for safety reasons. The problem is that we cannot stop living, acting and paying attention to the people or things around us.

At some point, we all get stuck on something for fear of losing or changing our routine. This card does not suggest cutting ties, it just shows that you are making even more of an effort to bring something closer, whatever it is, in order to maintain control and stability.

However, the 4 of Pentacles invites you to think more deeply about what moves you to act this way. It may not be a bad idea to relax and give up what is holding you back, because the message the letter brings is that you have nothing to worry about right now. You just need more willpower and discipline.

The 4 of Pentacles symbolizes the fear of loss. In the letter, we see a man sitting far from his house and holding 4 pentagrams as if they were his most prized possessions. This is a man who is afraid of loss and therefore the 4 of Pentacles can suggest the fear of ending a relationship, of losing status, job, money or control of the current situation.

The card shows the man holding his coins tightly, afraid that someone will take them from him. The problem is that you are trapped in the moment for fear or fear of losing your assets, in this way, you are stuck, you do nothing else in your life or you do not take an attitude.

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The 2 of Pentacles basically means duality. You may have to find balance in a relationship, you may have to make a decision, or you may have two problems to solve. On a smaller scale, it can mean that you are involved in two tasks or decisions.

Two projects to manage, two meetings, two topics to discuss or a decision, for example.

The card carries the infinity sign, indicating that the things you resolve now will directly influence your future. Therefore, it is recommended to do everything honestly and fairly so that positive energies return to you.

The 2 of Pentacles symbolizes the juggling that we often have to do in many situations and even in life, in the midst of responsibilities, commitments and chores. In this card we see a man holding two pentagrams joined by an infinity-shaped rope, suggesting that the decisions we make now will be reflected at some point in the future.

The man seems focused on his current task, which is to juggle to not let the two coins fall. Coins that symbolize our various worldly affairs. In the background, two ships cross the turbulent sea, representing the ups and downs of our lives and the obstacles we must face throughout it.



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