Emotions, sexuality and uncomfortable conversations that restructure our bonding world thanks to the Moon and Venus in Scorpio, Mercury in Libra and Mars in Cancer. Loving but powerful weekend aheadThe Page of Pentacles and the 2 of Pentacles - 05/10/2024

in #tarot5 months ago

Saturday Saturn Day our structures and limits will be challenged. Mercury in Libra squares Mars in Cancer. From Libra, Mercury will seek diplomatic dialogue and consensus in our relationships while Mars from Cancer will want to go directly to the center of our pain without taking detours to bring out everything we have been repressing. Try not to fall into reactivity. Uncomfortable conversations are intended to bring out the voice of our hearts, but it is not necessary to destroy everything to do so. On the other hand, the Moon conjuncts Venus in Scorpio, in turn forming a trine with Saturn and Mars in the signs of water. This conjunction is going to bring us a loving weekend with the most emotional stars dancing in the signs of the sensitive. Today's cards are the Page of Pentacles and the Two of Pentacles. The first tells us that the answers we were looking for may appear on our path. It encourages us to reflect and set realistic goals and let ourselves be helped to achieve them. It is the messenger that warns us of opportunities and new people that may appear in our lives to begin new paths that lead us to success. The Two of Pentacles, for its part, accompanies the energies of Mars and Mercury, offering us that duality in which we must make decisions without being reactive. We must seek balance in our communications to get where we need to position ourselves in our relationships. Breathe and reflect so as not to cascade words onto others.Water, like emotions, can flow gently, lovingly molding our environment, but it can also become an avalanche that sweeps away everything in its path. Measurement! May you flow through this great weekend in the most loving way possible is in your hands!!

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The Page of Pentacles means that you can find a good path to resolve the current situation. For that, just reflect, reason and be realistic. It represents a messenger and suggests that you will soon get the answers you seek.

The card can still represent someone who can come into your life suddenly, either to help you achieve goals, or to interact with the situation. It also refers to the search for higher knowledge or that this should be valued at this moment.

The Page of Pentacles symbolizes opportunities and the people that arise in our lives. It is a letter of beginnings, of inspiration and the beginning of a creative project or endeavor. It means we have more intuition to create what is necessary.

It suggests that there is a path forward towards success and the energy around this card helps us discover it. We just need to carefully consider our next step, set realistic goals, and accept the help of others who come to help us on our journey.

In the card, we see a young man alone, standing in a blooming field. In the background we can see a forest. He seems to walk slowly, worrying only about the pentagram in his hands. The young man seems to calmly plan his path to success.

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The 2 of Pentacles basically means duality. You may have to find balance in a relationship, you may have to make a decision, or you may have two problems to solve. On a smaller scale, it can mean that you are involved in two tasks or decisions.

Two projects to manage, two meetings, two topics to discuss or a decision, for example.

The card carries the infinity sign, indicating that the things you resolve now will directly influence your future. Therefore, it is recommended to do everything honestly and fairly so that positive energies return to you.

The 2 of Pentacles symbolizes the juggling that we often have to do in many situations and even in life, in the midst of responsibilities, commitments and chores. In this card we see a man holding two pentagrams joined by an infinity-shaped rope, suggesting that the decisions we make now will be reflected at some point in the future.

The man seems focused on his current task, which is to juggle to not let the two coins fall. Coins that symbolize our various worldly affairs. In the background, two ships cross the turbulent sea, representing the ups and downs of our lives and the obstacles we must face throughout it.



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