Seeing the Full Moon arrive, the energies that conjunctions and squares bring us can unleash great moments. No problem!! In a few weeks you will laugh about this. Please let yourself flow!!The 7 of Swords and The Knight of Wands - 18/08/24

in #tarot6 months ago


The Moon entered Aquarius where tomorrow it will be full. Ummm!! Sensations, feelings, pressures and fluidities. Everything is going to accelerate this week because all of these energies are not just at a specific moment. They are orwsnet for days. Sun conjuncts today with a retrograde Mercury that is already halfway through its retrograde. There will be moments of powerful clarity in the day. Communications reviewing what was reviewed. Friction of course and there is the way and benevolence with which we want to have them. If you just want to fight, don't worry...hahaha we have Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini squaring Venus in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces. What more can you ask for? Take things slowly and try to listen and learn before imposing. The other option is a war that no one will win. As with everything, we have to do our part and know that we are a community and not just individuals. If you only want to see your vision, growth suddenly becomes so heavy that you can't even move or even think with any clarity. The most viable option is to try to understand others and try to flow with each other. Alone we cannot, accompanied we are ALWAYS strong. All other options are excuses that we make for ourselves and those around us. We get two very particular cards... The 7 of Swords and the Knight of Wands. The first shows us possible lies, manipulations or misrepresentations that are going to pose to us with all the energy of Jupiter and Mars a game of powers in which we should not enter if we want to be calm. Saturn and Venus are in square so momentum and expansion are not worth it...we have to take into account our relationship goals and the structures or limits necessary to carry them out. Strength is nothing without skill. On the other hand we have the Knight of Wands who tells us about those energies of expansion that Jupiter and Mars bring us and the desire to act that we have half inhibited... There is frustration in this card since we know that we have to make movements but We want them to be well directed. If we do not take into account Saturn and Venus, which are also coming into play, we may be in trouble somewhere... It becomes necessary to stop, think and act perhaps later or at least with a little less impulsiveness. Other options can lead us to throw the stone where perhaps we did not want it to go. Caution, patience and a lot of understanding to make decisions. Mercury is powerful today above all but it is without ties...let's be careful with the words that we may regret later. Good Sunday people!!

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The 7 of Swords indicates that lying is at play. Someone may be lying to you or trying to deceive you. Or even, you may have created a web of lies as an excuse not to face reality or the situation in question. You must be honest with yourself right now and admit your feelings and desires. If the card refers to someone who wants to cheat on you (or is cheating on you), know that it won't last, as you will eventually find out. If you are trying to trick someone, keep in mind that you may also be about to be surprised.

The 7 of Swords somehow symbolizes lying and deception. In the letter, we see a man who appears to be fleeing a military camp with 5 swords. 2 swords were stuck in the ground. However, in the distance we can see a group of soldiers. One of them is brandishing his sword, meaning he seems to have discovered something.

The card may indicate lies and cheating, but they will not last long. You may be the author, or it may refer to someone who is part of your life or the situation consulted at this moment, suggesting lies, envy or deceivers.

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The Knight of Wands means renewed energies. A new and unexpected path may open up and the card suggests that you may want to dive headfirst into it. This card brings impulsiveness and courage to enter the unknown. It indicates that you may not yet have any idea what you will find, but that you are willing to pay to see it.

The gentleman is constantly moving and fast, so he does not miss opportunities. With so much willingness to take risks, it is advisable to act with caution, since some situations can be unpredictable, both on the positive and negative sides.

The Knight of Wands symbolizes the energy to pursue goals. In the letter, we see a young man riding his horse. He is dressed as a knight and his tunic has colors that refer to the element of fire. They are warm colors, of action and movement. He holds a wooden staff and fearlessly sets out on a mission, without stopping to reflect on what will happen, simply diving headlong into the situation.


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