The great conjunction of the month is here. Jupiter joins Mars in our sky and we can see it with the naked eye while we feel its strong energies. Mercury retrograde reenters Leo.The Ace of Wands and The Knight of Swords - 14/08/24

in #tarot6 months ago

The Moon in Sagittarius today opposes the great conjunction that is taking place in Gemini of Jupiter and Mars. The expansion of Jupiter and the warrior Mars come together, giving rise to plans and brutal energy to act. They bring enthusiasm and great ideas that we want to carry out. Moon, our way of feeling and relating, from Sagittarius gives us faith, confidence and enthusiasm, with the need to question everything and give meaning to our existence. On the other hand, Mercury retrograde re-enters Leo today, making everything go a little more fluid than the last few days in aspects of communication and relationships. Venus opposes Saturn. The Goddess of love and the Lord of structures, discipline and self-knowledge are seeking balance on the bonding planes. For its part, the tarot brings us the Ace of Wands and the Knight of Swords. The first is usually a good omen, bringing us energies of transformation. It enables new beginnings or stages, especially on an economic level, with the contribution of great enthusiasm and energy. Which reminds us and reaffirms the energies of the conjunction of Jupiter and Mars. The Knight of Swords, for its part, warns us of the possible appearance of someone who can interfere with our plans and that this person does not have good intentions and may try to manipulate you or divert your path. It suggests some type of reckless action carried out without measuring consequences, so we must be attentive to possible friction or conflicts that, helped by the energy of Mars, may arise on our path. Trust your inner energy and your intuition to save these types of situations. Thus we are left with a sky that is structured with a series of energies and conjunctions that seem to speed up our pace again and prepare us for the entry of September and the exit of its retrogradation of Mercury. Little by little. Step by step. Good Wednesday!!

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The Ace of Wands means a new beginning, or that there is a possibility of it happening, covered with creativity and enthusiasm. It could be a new relationship, a new job, or any new endeavor that is in your plans or that has been planned.

Sometimes something unexpected can happen, like an invitation or receiving a message. Whatever it is, the card indicates enthusiasm and a certain sense of adventure.

The Ace of Wands symbolizes transformations and is a great omen in any consultation. It represents new beginnings, which can happen unexpectedly. The situations most often associated with this card are new relationships, travel plans, a new and exciting opportunity, or a project that involves creativity.

In the card, we see a hand coming out of a cloud. She brings a wooden staff with leaves, which symbolizes growth, prosperity and abundance. It is the vital energy that arises from wood, which symbolizes potentials, opportunities and development. In the background, on the left, there is a castle, as a symbol of imposing and fantastic things.


The Knight of Swords means that someone may suddenly and impulsively arise in the situation at hand or in your life at this moment. You must be very careful, because perhaps this person has intentions that are not very clear, they can manipulate you or tell you something to divert you from the truth.

The card suggests some kind of reckless action, in which the consequences are not measured. His sword is swift and when it enters your life, there is no choice but to stand firm, believing in your strength to overcome any obstacle it may bring.

Use reasoning to overcome such influence or person and exercise the power of truth. You can overcome any challenge if you think clearly. If the card represents you, it can warn you against pretentious and arrogant attitudes on your part.

The Knight of Swords symbolizes events that occur suddenly, situations that are often beyond our control. In the card, we see a young knight in his armor. The sky behind him is full of clouds and the wind blows violently over the trees. He is mounted on a white horse, which usually symbolizes the purity of the energy that motivates the knight. He seems to ride impulsively into battle, unconcerned about the dangers he may encounter.

It suggests that the Knight may be carrying a strange or unpleasant message. He enters the situation without thinking and ends up affecting the other people involved. Use reason instead of emotion to clearly see the intentions of the situation consulted or related to the current moment. Try to understand the panorama to overcome any challenge that arises.


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