"A journalist who's done their fucking homework. Everyday, hitting... whatever the fuck journalists do. I don't know. Whatever their grind is." Best line! That got a good laugh out of me.
Interesting cards you pulled! It reminds me of this quote: "Light can only pass through what's transparent." Things aren't transparent due to a soul sucking culture/society that hypnotizes and coerces us into relying on authority systems. So what you're saying makes absolute sense. We need the right information, and we need journalists courageous enough to ask those deeper questions. But also we need journalists that aren't stuck in their own echo chambers and corners. I believe that transparency and "truth" come from a co-creative process of engaging with each other... having healthy dialogue and debate across differences, taking a multi-perspectival approach to problem solving, discovering the intersectionality and connections between issues and efforts.
I'm totally invested in doing lots of good this coming year, so thanks for the shout out :) We only met that one time but you're a great soul. I look forward to future conversations with you about everything, including astrology and politics!
I am happy that you do what you do. This world needs truth.