Monthly Tarot - Thoth - August

in #tarot8 years ago

This is a monthly spread I thought of and use to determine what is something positive (easy) and negative (more difficult) to keep in mind and work on throughout my month. I'd like to share with you the results in the hopes you benefit from this too.


This reading uses the Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowley.

Today's spread reveals the Four of Cups (Reversed) and the Ten of Cups (Reversed).

The first card represents a positive (easy) thing to focus on. The Four of Cups (Reversed) represents the finer things in life that are unreachable or the things that have been tainted. This month make it a goal to gain the luxuries you desire. You'll have to overcome the obstacles that come between you and your desires.

This second card represents a negative (difficult) thing to focus on. The Ten of Cups (Reversed) represents the satisfaction that you fail to experience. This month challenge yourself to work towards whatever will satisfy you. Joy is a necessity that might be missing from your life.

This month's reading is telling you to reach for your desires. Don't hold yourself back from material pleasures or anything that will satisfy your needs. You must learn to balance your pleasure with your duties. You cannot put forth your best effort without enjoying yourself and unwinding. Let this month be of self learning, discovery, and satisfaction.

If you've found this month's reading useful then please let me know. Share your experiences and input!

If you'd like to read other readings I've done then please visit the link below to view a Google doc I've put together.

If you'd like your own reading, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you!