Weekly Tarot - New Age Tarot - 8/7/2017

in #tarot8 years ago

This is a weekly spread I thought of and use to determine what is something positive (easy) and negative (more difficult) to keep in mind and work on throughout my week. I'd like to share with you the results in the hopes you benefit from this too.

August 1.jpg

This reading uses the New Age Tarot by Walter Wegmuller.

Today's spread reveals the Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) and The Tower (Reversed)

The first card represents a positive (easy) thing to focus on. The Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) is reminding you to manage your resources well. This is not a good time for recklessness or major risk taking. Failure might be right around the corner if you do not tread carefully.

This second card represents a negative (difficult) thing to focus on. The Tower (Reversed) is showing your nature of avoidance. Particularly this card is revealing a symptom of being overly careful. You might be trying to protect your earnings or your stability by taking out most if not all of the risks in life. This can be just as harmful as recklessness.

This week's reading is telling you to balance your risk taking and your act of protection. Spontaneity is healthy during this week. Add some spark to your week while staying in control of the things you'd like to protect. You should take this week to make the attempt to avoid an imminent failure. This week will teach you an important aspect of balancing your work life with the pleasures of life.

If you've found this week's reading useful then please let me know. Share your experiences and input!

If you'd like to read other readings I've done then please visit the link below to view a Google doc I've put together.

If you'd like your own reading, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you!