"Would the cards be able to determine if one belongs somewhere else (i.e different memories, multiverse, parallel dimensions etc.)" asked @oldearth2016
The Indicator card is lost in the glare of the stupid flash, but it is Temperance.
You strike me as a patient and contained type, why else name yourself OldEarth. Anyway, we're going to go with it, and think of you as very sober-minded.
The King of Swords has a lesson for you.
Maybe you need to master a technology, learn to fix your car or something else metal and physical. Maybe you need to learn to charm someone with these skills into doing your bidding, a King looking for a Queen.
The third card drawn is to the right of the crossed pair, and it is the Seven of Wands.
This represents the past, and the effort you've put into studying some philosophy or skill that may require electronic. I think of computer science or accounting when I try and place wands in a modern context. This card is reversed, which may indicate incomplete study or the need to get re-certification, update your skill set.
The next card refers to the near future, to the left of the the lesson and it is the Queen of Swords reversed.
I think it indicates success at the lesson, that you will gain mastery over this metal mechanical thing.
Top of the cross is the fifth card drawn. It is the King of Wands and I feel that it represents your boss, professor, or maybe father and his mastery over the science you have studied. He offers support and guidance and just a bit of a dare to reach his heights of mastery.
Below is the foundation, the sixth card dealt.It is the Queen of Cups, reversed.
I fear that your mother or another major female figure in your life was unable to provide you with all the things you needed. Her cup is upended and all that goodness has spilt out. I think this may be why you sometimes feel as if you don't belong, this hint of a need to be found elsewhere. You need to accept this and move past it, as the fan of cards to the right shows.
The 1st of the fan, the 7th card drawn is the Knight of the Swords
Yep, there's a youthful man charging in to the rescue. Maybe he'll loosen that bolt or show you exactly how the thinganabobber fits with the whosamagiggit. He's good at this and he's headed you way. This is one of the reasons I feel you need to stay put where you're at now.
The eighth is the Eight of Cups. This represents a goal you desire to obtain now that you've heard the messages of the previous seven cards.
You want to stop worry about the daily gathering of resources. You'll accept that the cups will always refill if they're set right side up, but it doesn't matter if they're knocked over, in fact, you can't travel or move until you release some of this stuff you've gathered.
The ninth card is one of my favorites, The fool.
He's the perfect performer, in complete command of all the phases of the zodiac, balancing and playing with everything and everyone around him. This can be you.
The last card revealed is the Knight of Wands.
It is the resolution and it could be yours right now, with your intellectual skills. It says learn these lessons and conquer the world! It could also represent a young person in your life, someone you've influenced with your wisdom, a younger sibling or child, a special student. Anyway, by staying put and working through all these lessons, there is a resolution for those you love and they move forth in life.
Over all a very positive reading, good things come to those who wait!
Thank you for doing this. I'm not sure I fully understand this since I'm relatively new to the Tarot Card reading. The reason why I bring this up, is because I have distinct memories of being from the Saggitarious Arm of the Galaxy. I remember learning that our Solar System was located in that arm. The Sun is also different here, I distinctly remember the Sun being a Yellow Dwarf Star. Apparently, it has never been Yellow. These are just a few of the memories that I have that are different. Sorry for the late reply, I'm just now getting the alert that you did this and I'm just now getting up. Thanks again.
no no no...i expect every steemit member to remain glued to their seat until i respond to requests....you must keep you eye on the screen...I tease
I'm glad you enjoyed the reading. Maybe you are an "astro"-traveler, but I swear, there is someone trying to catch up with you so they can help you fulfill your dreams!
Interesting that you bring up the "Astro-Traveling". I thought perhaps that could explain this and that somehow I ended back in the wrong body. But the changes I'm experiencing are almost daily. I've only had two attempted "Astro" body experiences, but each time I only got to the levitation part and couldn't go much farther.
an ex boyfriend of mine would be chanting , "take more drugs" in your ear abut now...
Interesting, except I've never taken drugs and I'm guessing you mean "Illegal Drugs" in my life.
there's a reason why he's my ex
Indeed it is.
I'm curious, would the cards be different if this would've been in person? I'm still trying to figure all this out, especially with regards to the Mandela Effect.