I shuffle very well. I do it for probably five minutes straight while just meditating about my answer. But somehow this card keeps finding its way in the layout, and it makes sense every time.
Tonight’s read is a little trickier then usual. Here’s the layout.
The present shows abundance through conjoined work. I feel this is the abundance of evidence coming to light, and the knowledge being widespread, along with the arrests being made. Hard to sell albums and tickets when you’re hanging with people who store breast milk, semen, urine, and human blood for “art” and ritual consumption.
Next the desire card shows my longing towards the future with positive thoughts and actions towards the world and my surroundings. The man holds his wand, ready, focused to start and finish his journey. I do wish for everyone to start to listen to their logic and reason only and forget propaganda and censored media.
The helpful Hermit came next. Showing us that the wisdom that dwells inside will guide us through the hardened path.
It will be the logic that is already installed in everyone’s thought process that will guide us to a more peaceful life and positive look at magick, along with more positive rituals also. Something like tarot cards... hehehe LOL 😂
Then the four of wands came out again as the opposition. It’s true that the contentment and stubbornness of the ones we hold dearest with be a tough battle to overcome. No one likes change, even when they say they do. Already in my life, the majority of my family has chosen not to acknowledge me anymore.
The outcome will be the Four of Cups. This card shows me a man no longer worried about achieving material wealth, even from the gods/aliens themselves. He sits ignoring the world, even with a higher being handing down knowledge/riches. Hopefully this shows us the final answer will be our focus and maturity to overcome greed will help end this pedophilia ring with the rich and famous being among the most active members. Their magick might work, but so does mine. And logic, well it never lets you down.
On the negative possibilities of the outcome, it could mean majority of man will ignore the knowledge given to them and continue to fund horrible acts without care. I don’t think so, this story has become more mainstream now. I believe there’s some that will be arrested that will shock the world.Tonight’s question is, “Will positive magick overcome A. Crowley’s magick?” With all the new revelations of sadistic and disturbing acts done by people following Crowley and his pedophilia church of hedonistic desires, I’ve had this on my mind. Soul cooking #soulcooking has become a trending topic. Along with an actress that is being charged with human trafficking, Amy maxwell or something close. Not positive on the name so search it yourself before the witch hunt. Pizzagate is true, lives have been ruined and people thrown in prison already, and I’m sure there’s more that are above being arrested.
Everyone have a great night and an awesome week ahead. If you have any questions for the cards just reply, or send email to [email protected] to get a personal question answered for free. Love, peace, and chicken grease.
wow what a powerful question to ask.. big topic. I am probably as disturbed by crowley as you - andn the spirit cooking trend has me horrified. The reading does seem a bit up in the air - ending could drop on either side as you noted in your post. I'm with you for hoping people wake up and air the negatives for what they are.. time will tell I guess but we have a bit of an outline from the cards here.
I have never tried asking my cards something like this.. perhaps I will and see what mine have to say, too? If I get the time I'll be sure to tag you and your post and we can compare!
I try to use the questions everyone might want the answer to, to maybe catch a bigger audience. Is there a question you can think of youve been scared to ask? I will do it for you. I am duality and unity, nothing ending or beginning brings me fear. I will continue to read your post, and give you any thoughts I have to share. Thank you for commenting.
ohh how about asking if the US dollar will continue to fall ? That has had me thinking for a while now lol and thanks for offering! I usually do more personal readings I hadn't thought to ask big scale questions lol
Great idea, but if you understand fiat money under reserve banking you might have insider information on how that will end... it does give me great ideas though!!! Thank you
ohh definitely - I have my suspicions and of course we all must know the dollar will fall at some point, but when? how? what will rise in its place? Will China dominate the global currency market or will cryptos climb to the top in an every man for himself race? LOL there are so many offshoots of what the decline of the dollar will cause!
Great insights, @mattzoidhead! I like how you're querying into life and exploring this. It's really cool to see your hand-written notes, too. A very cool and personalized touch.
Happy Tarot Tuesday!
Thank you. I’ve started watching some of your videos. I’m not functional on a computer really with Dlive or dmania but I do iOS what I can lol. I’m actually learning Oracle cards now, spirit animal deck.
Ive spent many years reconditioning myself to not be bias towards certain moral beliefs. Therefore I am in the unique position of being able to see these beliefs from the outside. And my perspective has taught me that there needs to be balance in the world. What you call positive magic, needs to be negated by negative magic, and vice versa. Because without the resistance, positive will turn into complete control. And history has already shown us what happens when you allow the "good" too much control. It turns into the dark ages. "Do what thou will" is an amazing law. It allows you to be you and me to be me, and together there is a balance. Pizzagate is a good example. If it's true it's true. Pedophiles exist. But the people who resist it exists too. There is a balance, you see? The harder you push, the harder you'll be pushed.
For me personally the question was more about popularity and truth among people who don’t believe in magick. Like to say the world had a positive outlook on life, and when someone spoke of magick or people doing rituals, they would think of mediation, tarot, or sounding bowls instead of molestation and body fluids. As an anarchist I don’t know or think about how others “should” live their lives. But I’m also down with “an eye for an eye.” I’m not claiming it’s right, but I know people fear anger and a lawless man. They do not fear police or prison.
If what you say with the force balancing reference is true to real life, then like star wars, we are being ruled by malevolent forces and the positive magick is losing. “Help me Zachariah sitchin, you’re my only hope.”