We Can Prove Them Wrong - Magical Venus-Jupiter Aspect WOO - 020

in #tarot3 years ago

Venus will be making a bi-quintile aspect with Jupiter for a few days in early September. I anticipated this would be an opportunity for my WOO homies to move things forward so I did a quick tarot reading with my Marseille deck and three oracle cards.

Private Readings: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1164379410/video-tarot-readings-video-recordings My Links: https://allmylinks.com/realsydroc

Affiliate links: If you click on these links and make a purchase, I will make a commission.

For some of the Vital Assets I use to make my thumbnails, check out Roberto Blake's YouTube Starter Kit:

For more on the mindset that guides me on this YouTube journey, check out Autonomy. Signing up for Autonomy is the best decision I made in 2020 and this course played a big role in inspiring me to start this channel.

*** Crypto Tip Jars ***
BTC: 3ACtGXaNhtqni2tJrW6HyjpmDhfiQGggnx
BCH: 1JB3Uf5Wzot6veZ9bUTd5YSXrLJtjLudLj
LTC: MLh32dZpmtomgQTPVxjWhZru4LNV6EYggE
ETH: 0xB285ef13c56e98ddd8765460cE11A2318A4b5Dd1

Rick Levine talkoing about the Quintile and the BiQuintile:

Rick Levine's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RickLevine

My Oracle Deck Collection:
Tao Oracle
Starcodes Astro Oracle
Oracle Of The Radiant Sun
Prism Oracle
Moonology Oracle
Moonology Manifestations Oracle
Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle
Egyptian Gods Oracle
Archetype Cards
Wisdom Of The Oracle


I'm not hoping for a better world. I demand a better world! Until we got a better world!
For some reason, I'm attracted to tarot lately. Tarot readers, channelers, crystal ball whisperers, remote viewing. There must be a lot of truth in it. You get a vibe from your cards, and that vibe shows you what energies are at work. I don't know. I do think I know that all of true history and maybe possible futures can be read from the ether.
Reality seems to be changing literally. I researched the possible causes for mandela effects. I think it's the convergence of timelines. And you use that word while I type it: 'convergence'. Maybe I should write about it. I have written about it, in the pinned comment in the comments section of this video but it really needs an update. It could also be artificial intelligence reverse-engineering itself using quantum computers, bose-einstein condensate and/or time travel to adjust the past in its advantage.